This page is about the squad. For other uses, see Arashiyama Squad (disambiguation).
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“ | ...In Border, among all squads, his is also the best. Representing Border, they also make TV appearances. They're famous people in Mikado City. | ” |
–Osamu Mikumo in Chapter 6, [1] |
Arashiyama Squad (嵐山 隊, Arashiyama-Tai ?) is the A-Rank #5 squad in Border. It is led by Jun Arashiyama.
Members[edit | edit source]
Uniform[edit | edit source]
Arashiyama squad's uniform is quite simple and very consistent across its members. Their track jacket is extremely similar to the C-rank uniform, but the breast pockets have been moved to the abdomen, the primary color has been changed to a bold red, and a horizontal trim band was added around the collar and along the bottom hem. Like the C-rank uniform, Arashiyama's jacket has a stripe down either arm and another along the zipper, but rather than a single, monotone color, these uniforms feature a black band with a white pin stripe. Each member wears a border emblem on either shoulder and their squad emblem over the left breast.
All four members wear black tights tucked into red, knee-high boots that have heavy-duty shin guards strapped over the front face. They also have two black straps with white pinstripes that fall from their belt like unworn suspenders, but they seem to be decorative, rather than functional.
There is minimal customization featured in the Arashiyama squad uniforms. The undershirt appears to be flexible since there are some color differences and the neckline is not always consistent among members. Kitora's boots have a slightly more pronounced heel to them when compared to the men, and Jun has a red pouch he wears on his left hip, but the purpose of it is unknown.
Emblem[edit | edit source]
Arashiyama Squad's emblem is formed by five black pentagons forming a white star symbol, with a smaller star symbol inside each pentagon.
Plot[edit | edit source]
Background[edit | edit source]
When Arashiyama Squad was selected to be the PR squad, Kakizaki left it because he felt he was not worthy of being a part of them.[2]
Introduction Arc[edit | edit source]
Arashiyama Squad was the one to respond to the neighbor attack at Osamu's school. Kitora later attempted to take down an Ilgar that attacked the city.
Black Trigger Capture Arc[edit | edit source]
Arashiyama Squad worked with Jin to prevent Kido's faction from taking Yūma's Black Trigger by force.
Border Enlistment Arc[edit | edit source]
New C-Rank trainees were orientated and managed by Arashiyama Squad.
Large-Scale Invasion Arc[edit | edit source]
Arashiyama Squad was the first to kill a Rabbit, with Yūma's help. Kitora accompanied Osamu to the Southwest district in order to protect the C-rank trainees. The Squad received an Outstanding Service Award, worth 800,000 yen, and 800 points, for defeating Trion Soldiers in the forbidden zone supporting Konami in the Southwest district.
B-Rank Wars Arc[edit | edit source]
Osamu expressed interest to Arashiyama Squad in learning how to fight on his own, rather than relying on Yūma all the time. Although Arashiyama didn't see the need for gunners and shooters to be able to take points on their own, he and Tokieda agreed to teach Osamu the basics. Later, while watching Osamu's humiliating defeat, they express concern over his self-esteem following it. Later, Osamu visits them for more training. Since Arashiyama was away, Kitora teaches him, but with some refusal because of Osamu's apparent arrogance. She teaches him about how to use Spider.
References[edit | edit source]
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