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    The heavyweight Ibis was developed for larger Neighbors. Powerful, but with low muzzle velocity that makes it hard to connect with.

    Ken Satori about Ibis, in Chapter 34.[1]

    Ibis (アイビス, Aibisu ?) is a Sniper Trigger.

    Appearance[edit | edit source]

    Ibis is a dark-colored rifle with a long barrel and a pistol grip. Its scope is similar to Egret's. In general, it sports a bipod in front of the magazine.

    Overview[edit | edit source]

    Since Haruaki Azuma was Border's first Sniper,[3] this Trigger could not have existed until four years prior to Yūma's enlistment.[4] It was developed to fight larger Trion Soldiers.[1]

    Abilities[edit | edit source]

    Created to fight colossal Trion Soldiers, Ibis possesses the highest power of any Sniper Trigger with good range, average bullet speed and low rate of fire.[5] Due to it having been designed to combat larger targets, it is rarely used against humans, including in Rank Wars.[6] In capable hands, however, Ibis becomes a spectacular weapon. Its remarkable firepower enables the user to punch through multiple walls[7] and opponents[8] as well as to pierce focused Shields[9] and a Full Guard made out of two unfocused Shields,[10] unless the target has abnormally high trion levels.[11] In normal conditions, however, it is unable to damage the combination of a focused Shield and a fixed one, even as the latter is already damaged,[12] or the armor on a Rabbit's arms.[13]

    When wielded by someone with a very high trion capacity, the power of the bullets is increased.[14] Chika Amatori's shots are so devastating they can alter the topography of the battlefield,[15] punch through the trion walls of Border's HQ,[16] and destroy multiple trion bodies with the same bullet, if they are sufficiently close to each other.[17] Depending on the trion amount of the user, Ibis can allow for an output on par with that of a Black Trigger.[18]

    According to Reiji Kizaki, Border Sniper Triggers are very well made, so if the wielder has good aim, they will not miss.[19] However, the low muzzle velocity of this Trigger makes it relatively easy to dodge.[1] The user must be capable of anticipating the target's movements to be effective.[20] Regardless of the user's skills, its maximum range is lower than 1 kilometer.[21] Furthermore, Ibis is known to be the heaviest and most cumbersome Sniper Trigger, which makes it very hard to shoot while moving, so it is usually rested on the ground through its bipod.[2] Should an user wish to carry it, however, the bipod can be removed[22] and then reformed when the rifle is selected again.[23]

    Users[edit | edit source]

    See also: Ibis Users

    With 8 users among official agents, Ibis is the least popular sniper trigger.[24] Members of branches who do not participate in Rank Wars are excluded from the count.[25] Notable users are Haruaki Azuma,[26] Chika Amatori[27] and, the trainee, Izuho Natsume.[28] Ibis was also previously used by Mirai Hatohara[29] and Akane Hiura.

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 34 (p. 12) and Episode 17.
    2. 2.0 2.1 World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 219)
    3. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 112 (p. 17) and Episode 68.
    4. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 270-271)
    5. Daisuke Ashihara: Power: SS, Range: A, Speed: B, Rapid-Fire: B, Weight: D
      Source: Sniper Triggers, Volume 4
    6. Daisuke Ashihara: Heavyweight rifle with an emphasis on one-hit kills. It's a little overkill for combat against people, so it's mainly used against Trion soldiers
      Source: Sniper Triggers, Volume 4
    7. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 112 (p. 16-17) and Episode 68.
    8. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 19 Chapter 168 (p. 16) and Episode 89.
    9. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 113 (p. 14) and Episode 69.
    10. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 105)
    11. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 114 (p. 13) and Episode 69.
    12. World Trigger MangaVol. 23 Chapter 198 (p. 18).
    13. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 6 Chapter 45 (p. 9) and Episode 22.
    14. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 14 Chapter 119 (p. 10) and Episode 72.
    15. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 12 Chapter 102 (p. 5) and Episode 46.
    16. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 34 (p. 14) and Episode 17.
    17. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 113 (p. 7) and Episode 69.
    18. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 7 Chapter 53 (p. 9) and Episode 25.
    19. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 3 Chapter 23 (p. 7) and Episode 12.
    20. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 133)
    21. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: What distance is the limit for a Sniper Trigger to hit its mark?
      A: If it’s an unmoving target, someone who is good at premise sniping like Narasaka or Hanzaki can hit the mark from 1km away with an Egret. An Ibis or Lightning’s range will be shorter.
      Source: Volume 13, Question Corner 10
    22. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 113 (p. 6) and Episode 69.
    23. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 114 (p. 12) and Episode 69.
    24. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File
    25. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Are there any branches besides Tamakoma and Suzunari?
      A: Border has 6 branches: Tamakoma, Suzunari, Wataayu (綿(わた)(あゆ) ?), Yumite District ((ゆみ)()(まち) ?), Hayanuma ((はや)(ぬま) ?), and Kuma (()() ?). Its personnel are mostly those who prioritise work or school and don’t aim for A-Rank (they do not participate in the twice a week Rank Wars). The branches are placed on the outer edge of the Forbidden Zone. Other than Tamakoma, the branches function as a point of contact for local residents.
      Source: Volume 18, Question Corner 11
    26. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 13 Chapter 112 (p. 16) and Episode 68.
    27. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 10 Chapter 86 (p. 13) and Episode 38.
    28. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 6 Chapter 52 (p. 8) and Episode 25.
    29. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 109)

    Navigation[edit | edit source]

    Border Triggers
    Basic Equipment Bail Out • Radar • Trion Body
    Gunner Asteroid • Cobra • Gimlet • Hornet • Hound • Meteor • Salamander • Tomahawk • Viper
    Sniper Egret • Ibis • Lightning
    Trap Switchbox
    Prototypes Connector • Dummy Beacon • Full Arms • Geist • Idaten • Makō • Teleporter • Timer
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