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    His teleport destination... is a few dozen meters beyond where he was looking.

    Isami Tōma determining where Jun Arashiyama will reappear, in Chapter 30.[1]

    Teleporter (テレポーター, Terepōtā ?) is a prototype Optional Trigger[3] that enables the use of teleportation.

    Appearance[edit | edit source]

    Teleporter does not have a physical medium. When it is activated, the user's body flickers an instant before disappearing altogether, leaving behind a trace in the location they warped from that disappears moments afterwards.[4] Disappearing and reappearing both make a sound.[5]

    Overview[edit | edit source]

    Since Teleporter is a prototype approved by HQ[6], it may have been developed only recently, likely at the request of Kako Squad as they were the first users.[7]

    Abilities[edit | edit source]

    Teleporter enables the user to teleport up to a few dozen meters in the direction they were looking at right before activating this Trigger.[8] The effect is virtually instantaneous, fast enough to permit the user to dodge Asteroid bullets after they have been fired.[9]

    The trion consumption is determined by the distance travelled[10], which also affects the length of the cooldown period between uses: a long-distance warp (30 meters or more) will disable this Trigger for a few seconds, whereas a short-distance one (2-3 meters) imposes an interval of about 0.5 seconds.[10]

    Aside from dodging, Teleporter has a range of other applications, both offensive and defensive.[8] It can be used to safely play the role of decoy[11],l or to teleport in an enemy's blind spot after tricking them into believing they are in an advantageous position, and then attack them.[3] This tactic aims to turn the tables all at once,[3] and it is particularly powerful in narrow environments such as alleys.[12] Teleporter is not affected by the user's physical condition, so it allows for quick displacement even if they are immobilized, for example by Lead Bullet.[5] However, since the warping occurs in a straight line determined by the user's gaze, experienced fighters can deduce exactly where the user will materialize and shoot them as soon as they do.[1] additionally, Teleporter can't be used if there an something blocking the user's gaze like a smoke screen or an obstacle[13], but it is possible to use teleporter with goggles on.[7]

    Users[edit | edit source]

    See also: Teleporter Users

    There are 5 known users of this Trigger: Jun Arashiyama[5], Mitsuru Tokieda[14], Nozomi Kako,[15], Asumi Amakura[16], and Hanao Tsukimi.[17] However, members of branches who do not participate in Rank Wars are excluded from the count, as their Triggers are unknown.[18]

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • Excluding Triggers utilized by only one agent, Teleporter is the only Border Trigger with more female users than male users.[19]
    • The official English translation of the Question Corner mistakenly added an extra 0 to the distance of a long warp, stating that Teleporter is capable of warping the user 300 meters[10] instead of 30.

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. 1.0 1.1 World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 30 (p. 13) and Episode 15.
    2. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 29 (p. 8) and Episode 15.
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 65)
    4. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 30 (p. 12-13) and Episode 15.
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 29 (p. 7-8) and Episode 15.
    6. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 7 Chapter 55 (p. 10-11) and Episode 25.
    7. 7.0 7.1 Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Why do so few agents choose to wield Teleporter? Is there some downside to using it, like not being able to use one's Triggers within a certain range immediately after, or one's body freezing up? If not, that seems like an overpowered Trigger. Also, why didn't Arashiyama Squad wear goggles during the scramble for the Black Trigger? Concealing their lines of sight would've been a big advantage. Is it because that was their first time using Teleporter in a real battle? Or was it because they were purposely getting Tōma to shoot? If there's no downside beside the line-of-sight thing, then I think Teleporter is way too powerful.
      A: Ah, you're a Teleporter diehard. Thank you for the question(s). Given Izumi's shock when Arashiyama used Teleporter in Volume 4, it's safe-ish to assume that was his first time using it. Kako Squad–the first Teleporter users–had a reason for not wearing goggles (which could hide one's line of sight), but if Arashiyama had worn goggles after his first use of Teleporter revealed the trick, I bet that would've made him really strong. I also tend to think that Teleporter is ridiculously powerful, but there are downsides, and learning to use it properly takes a high level of skill. I'm hoping to elaborate on that with future battle scenes involving Kako Squad, so please be patient.
      Source: Volume 23, Question Corner 18
    8. 8.0 8.1 World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 223)
    9. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 29 (p. 7) and Episode 15.
    10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Can you Teleport in rapid succession?
      Distance = Trion consumed. Longer distances (over 30m) require a longer resting interval of several seconds. Short distances (2-3m) require 0.5 seconds or so.
      Source: Volume 6, Question Corner 3
    11. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 63)
    12. World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 4 Chapter 30 (p. 2) and Episode 15.
    13. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Can you use Teleporter even if there are obstacles between you and the location you want to move to?
      A: No, it can't be used if there is no line of sight to your destination, so it can't be used if there is an obstacle, if your eyes are blocked or if there is a smoke screen.
      Source: Twitter, July 6, 2022
    14. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 68)
    15. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 72)
    16. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 86)
    17. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 191)
    18. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Are there any branches besides Tamakoma and Suzunari?
      A: Border has 6 branches: Tamakoma, Suzunari, Wataayu (綿(わた)(あゆ) ?), Yumite District ((ゆみ)()(まち) ?), Hayanuma ((はや)(ぬま) ?), and Kuma (()() ?). Its personnel are mostly those who prioritise work or school and don’t aim for A-Rank (they do not participate in the twice a week Rank Wars). The branches are placed on the outer edge of the Forbidden Zone. Other than Tamakoma, the branches function as a point of contact for local residents.
      Source: Volume 18, Question Corner 11
    19. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File

    Navigation[edit | edit source]

    Border Triggers
    Basic Equipment Bail Out • Radar • Trion Body
    Gunner Asteroid • Cobra • Gimlet • Hornet • Hound • Meteor • Salamander • Tomahawk • Viper
    Sniper Egret • Ibis • Lightning
    Trap Switchbox
    Prototypes Connector • Dummy Beacon • Full Arms • Geist • Idaten • Makō • Teleporter • Timer
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