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    Mikado City (()(かど)(), Mikado-shi ?) is the main location in the World Trigger Universe. It currently has 280,000 inhabitants[1] and is where Border Headquarters is located.[2]

    History[edit | edit source]

    About four and a half years before the start of the series a gate to another world opened and Neighbors appeared in the city and started attacking.[3] A mysterious group named Border appeared and repelled the neighbors. In 2 days East Mikado was destroyed, over 1,200 people died[4][5], and more than 400 people are still missing.[4][5] Afterward, Border built their base in the city to protect it from Neighbors.[2]

    Locations[edit | edit source]

    Forbidden Zone[edit | edit source]

    The Forbidden Zone ((けい)(かい)()(いき), Keikaikuiki Lit. Danger Zone ?) is a large zone around Border HQ that is restricted from the public.[6] Neighbor gates are attracted to this region with Border's technology, making the rest of the city safer.[7] The area, before becoming a designated zone, was largely destroyed and abandoned after the First Large-Scale Invasion.[8]

    Border[edit | edit source]

    Border has Headquarters and other establishments built around the Forbidden Zone.

    Restaurants and Shops[edit | edit source]

    Image Name
    Okonomiyaki Kageura
    ((この)()き かげうら, Okonomiyaki Kageura?)
    The local restaurant of Masato Kageura's family and their family home.[9] The restaurant is frequented by Border affiliates.[9]

    Mikado City, Umemiyabashi 1-9[9] (()(かど)() (うめ)()()(ばし) 1-9, Mikado-shi Umemiyabashi 1-9 ?)
    Hours: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm.[9]
    Closed: Tuesdays.[9]

    (鹿()のや, Kanoya?)
    A well-known traditional sweet shop that once located in East Mikado but relocated to Umebayashi after the shop was destroyed during the First Large-Scale Invasion.[10]

    Mikado City, Umemiyabashi 3-5-22[10] (()(かど)() (うめ)()()(ばし) 3-5-22, Mikado-shi Umemiyabashi 3-5-22 ?)
    Hours: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm.[10]
    Closed: Wednesdays.[10]

    (寿(じゅ)寿(じゅ)(えん), Jujuen?)
    A BBQ restaurant located near the Danger Zone which many Border agents are regular customers.[10]

    Mikado City, Suzunari 15-8-3[10] (()(かど)() (すず)(なり) 15-8-3, Mikado-shi Suzunari 15-8-3 ?)
    Hours: 4:00 pm - 12:00 am (weekdays)[10] 11:00am - 12:00 am (weekends).[10]
    Closed: Never.[10]

    Taian Kichijitsu
    (たい()() (たい)(あん) (きち)(じつ), Taian Kichijitsu?)
    A taiyaki shop within walking distance of Tamakoma Branch.[9] Hyuse, a fan of their taiyaki, is often taken here on his outings, and the Tamakoma folk eat their taiyaki a lot.[9]

    Mikado City, Kurasaki-cho 1-10[9] (()(かど)() (くら)(さき)(ちょう) 1-10, Mikado-shi Kurasaki-chō 1-10 ?)
    Hours: 10:00 am - 7:30 pm.[9]
    Closed: Thursdays.[9]

    Burger Queen
    (バーガークイーン, Bāgā Kuīn?)
    A chain fast food restaurant with several locations in Mikado City. Frequented by Yūma Kuga. At the flagship store, there is a picture of Ken Satori on the wall.[11]

    Mikado City, Katsura 5-14[11] (()(かど)() (かつら) 5-14, Mikado-shi Katsura 5-14 ?)
    Hours: 8:00 am - 11:00 pm.[11]
    Closed: Never.[11]

    Aji-jiman Ramen
    ((あじ)()(まん) らーめん, Aji-jiman Ramen?)
    A ramen restaurant run by a husband and wife duo. The regulars are very loyal and frequent customers, even if the menu is simple. Tamakoma Branch people come here a lot.[12]

    Mikado City, Tamakoma 1-5-5[12] (()(かど)() (たま)(こま) 1-5-5, Mikado-shi Tamakoma 1-5-5 ?)
    Hours: 11:00 am - Midnight.[12]
    Closed: Thursdays.[12]

    Flower Shop Kaede
    (Flower Shop(フラワーショップ) (かえで), Furawā Shoppu Kaede?)
    Flower shop where Kazuaki Ōji bought flowers for Tadaomi Kanda's goodbye party. Business was good following the tragedy of the First Large-Scale Invasion, since lots of people were buying flowers, and they were able to open a second branch. Their small cacti and terrariums are popular. Frequented by Maori Hosoi and Eizō Netsuki.[13]

    Mikado City, Kurasaki-cho 3-7[13] (()(かど)() (くら)(さき)(ちょう) 3-7, Mikado-shi Kurasaki-chō 3-7 ?)
    Hours: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm.[13]
    Closed: Thursdays.[13]

    Saikōrō Chinese Restaurant
    ((ちゅう)()(りょう)() (さい)(こう)(ろう), Chūkaryōri Saikōrō?)
    This is the restaurant where Yuba Squad, Kazuaki Ōji, and Kazuki Kurauchi met for Tadaomi Kanda's goodbye party— they reserved the large dining room. Has a great menu at a wide range of prices, a good place for anyone.[13]

    Mikado City, Umemiyabashi 2-18[13] (()(かど)() (うめ)()()(ばし) 2-18, Mikado-shi Umemiyabashi 2-18 ?)
    Hours: 10:00 am - 10:30 m.[13]
    Closed: Thursdays.[13]

    Other Locations[edit | edit source]

    Image Name
    Yumite District Station[14]
    ((ゆみ)() (まち)(えき), Yumite-Machieki?)
    It is a train station located in Mikado City which has been closed and relocated at New Yumite District Station due to its close proximity to the Danger Zone.[14]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. World Trigger MangaChapter 1 (p. 2)
    2. 2.0 2.1 World Trigger MangaChapter 1 (p. 5-6)
    3. World Trigger MangaChapter 1 (p. 4)
    4. 4.0 4.1 World Trigger MangaChapter 3 (p. 13)
    5. 5.0 5.1 World Trigger MangaChapter 84 (p. 7)
    6. World Trigger MangaChapter 1
    7. World Trigger MangaChapter 3 (p. 15)
    8. World Trigger MangaChapter 2
    9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 World Trigger MangaVol. 22 Mikado City Tour
    10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 World Trigger MangaVol. 16 Chapter 142 Mikado City Tour: Part 1
    11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 World Trigger MangaVol. 17 Chapter 145 Mikado City Tour: Part 2
    12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 World Trigger MangaVol. 17 Chapter 146 Mikado City Tour: Part 3
    13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 World Trigger MangaVol. 23 Mikado City Tour
    14. 14.0 14.1 World Trigger Manga and AnimeVol. 2 Chapter 13 (p. 2) and Episode 7.

    Navigation[edit | edit source]

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