- Yūma's Black Trigger
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“ | Its ability is to learn other abilities and make them its own. | ” |
–Shūji Miwa describing an effect of Yūma's Trigger.[1] , |
Yūma's Black Trigger was created by his father Yūgo Kuga to prevent Yūma's death.[2] Since neither Yūma nor Replica gave it a name, they refer to it simply as Dad's Trigger (親父 の トリガー, Oyaji no Torigā ?) or Yūgo's Black Trigger (有吾 の 黒 トリガー, Yūgo no Burakku Torigā ?).[3]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
The Trigger Holder takes the form of a black-colored ring with a thin white line running through the center, meeting to form two small circles parallel to each other. When activated, this Trigger summons a black-colored jumpsuit-like armor with thin red lines running through it, covering most of the user's body with the exception of their head.
Background[edit | edit source]
When Yūma still lived in the Neighborhood, he and his father, Yūgo, participated in ongoing wars. During one of the battles, Yūgo told Yūma not to participate this time, because earlier that day they had found the dead bodies of some of their allies' most powerful men. Raymond suspected it was the result of the other side having a Black Trigger. Yūma, however, pouted and didn't think much of his father's words. After his father had left to go fight, Yūma left their side's fortress and went outside into the battlefield. Seeing multiple battles he could help win, he decided to make stealth attack to eliminate some of the enemy units. But during his exploring, he ran into an unknown enemy, and wasn't strong enough to defend himself, resulting in his near-death. Yūgo, finding Yūma's wrecked body, created a Black Trigger: a ring. He then sealed the body of the dying Yūma inside the trigger, substituting it with a body made of trion (with which his hair is white); thus saving Yūma. However, this took all of Yūgo's power, and so he turned to dust, crumbled, and died. Replica theorizes Yūma's body (although sealed) is still degrading, and Yūma will eventually die.
Abilities[edit | edit source]
The power Yūma's Black Trigger is such that, coupled with Yūma's exceptional fighting skills, it allowed him to incapacitate two A-rank Border agents[4] while attempting to neutralize them peacefully,[5] and even to defeat the mighty Organon user Viza granted he used a one time trick.[6] Its primary asset in combat is an arsenal of versatile seals that create different effects, which can be also amplified or combined and disappear after one activation. It also bestowed on Yūma his father's Side Effect of detecting lies.[7] The black garment it creates seems to offer some degree of protection since Yūma took no damage from Chano's Asteroid.[8] However, the armor can be easily penetrated by stronger attacks, such as the bullet of an Egret[9] and Organon's blades.[10][11] Unlike most other trion bodies, it does not grant Yūma a communication device, a function that is thus taken over by Replica.[12]

Aside from the seals, Yūma's Black Trigger has a series of abilities that are unique even among Black Triggers. Most remarkable is the one associated with the purpose of its creation, the permanent substitution of Yūma's fatally wounded flesh and blood body with one made out of trion in order to slow his death to a near halt,[13] meaning some functions of the Trigger are always active. The trion body itself has three main peculiarities. The first is its ability to repair itself almost instantly when damaged, which no other trion body possesses; however, this comes at the expense of its durability, as a car crash is enough to crack it.[14] A second distinctive feature is that Yūma's trion regenerates itself, despite him being always in a trion body.[15] Lastly, this special trion body allows Yūma to activate other Triggers normally, causing it to be swapped with an ordinary combat body generated by the Trigger Holder in use.[16]
As a side effect, Yūma no longer needs to sleep and has greatly enhanced physical abilities even outside of his combat trion body. This uniqueness has proven to be an instrumental asset in battle that allowed Yūma to surprise and beat Viza.[6] Viza's defeat was made possible by another singular ability of Yūma's Black Trigger, which is the capacity to use its seals even without activating it properly and creating a combat body.[17] The same applies to multiplier[18][19] and compound seals.[20] They can be used even when Yūma is in a trion body created by another Trigger.[21]
Yet another singular characteristic of Yūma's Black Trigger is that its seals can also be used independently by Replica,[22][23] a Trion Soldier, as well as its small avatars.[24][25] Replica is also capable of fusing with Yūma's combat body.[26] Indeed, Yūma's Black Trigger peculiarly relies on Replica to bring out its full potential: in fact, it is the Trion Soldier who is generally in charge of creating multiplier and compound seals,[27] which it can do also through its small avatars, although this way the process will take longer.[27] A similar drawback applies if Yūma sets the seals on his own.[28] Furthermore, although Yūma himself can add new seals by analyzing other Triggers, he is unable to do so on the spot,[29] and thus relies on Replica's help.[26] These seals exceed in power the Triggers from which they are derived.[30] This is linked to the Black Trigger's final ability: the capacity to accrue seals so that, once memorized, they can be accessed during future activations of the Trigger.[31] As a consequence, the scope of its abilities can widen over time if the user has access to other Triggers.[32] The exact conditions that must be met for them to be copied are currently unknown, although two are certainly exposure to the Trigger in question and the proximity as well as the length of time required by Replica or Yūma to analyze it.[26]
Seals and Multipliers[edit | edit source]
Image | Name |
Description | |
Bound (「弾」印 , Baundo Lit. "Repel" Seal?) | |
A blue[33] seal with the kanji for Repel (弾 ?) appears, creating a larger seal in a point within the user's vicinity which can send people and objects flying at incredible speed by repelling them.[34] A person of flesh and blood would die either from the acceleration or from reaching the other end,[35] but trion bodies are not subjected to any risks. Used on objects, it can propel them as projectiles.[36] This seal has a much greater power output than Grasshopper, but only one platform can be created per activation.[37] Multiplier seals catapult the user further.[35] It was first seen in Chapter 1 (Episode 1 in the anime) when Yūma used it to kick a Bamster in the danger zone.
| |
Boost (「強」印, Būsuto Lit. "Strength" Seal?) | |
An orange[33] or blue[41] seal with the kanji for Strength (強 ?) appears on the user's hand, creating a larger seal in the proximity of the chosen target. It is a simple but versatile seal that amplifies the effects of trion, the user's or another person's, increasing the power of an attack that goes through it, or the physical strength of a trion body when used directly on one.[42] In the latter case, the seal appears behind the target's back, and it gives them enough strength to burst through a pile of rocks.[43] It was first seen in Chapter 1 (Episode 1 in the anime) when Yūma used Boost Double to destroy a Bamster in the danger zone.
| |
Shield (「盾」印, Shīrudo Lit. "Shield" Seal?) | |
A green[49] seal with the kanji for Shield (盾 ?) appears, creating a circular barrier that deflects attacks.[50] Its durability increases if it remains fixed in place, decreases if it is moved.[51] A handheld shield can resist Asteroid bullets without cracking,[52] but a single Kogetsu slash is enough to break it.[53] It can be penetrated by Triggers which have no attacking power[26] such as Lead Bullet.[54] A way to enhance its defensive abilities is to combine it with Boost,[51] while multipliers increase its surface area.[51] It was first seen in Chapter 4 (Episode 3 in the anime) when Yūma used Shield Double to defend Osamu from a Marmod.
| |
Chain (「鎖」印, Chein Lit. "Chain" Seal?) | |
An ocher[55] seal with the kanji for Chain (鎖 ?) appears. A chain emerges from it, which can be used to capture the target. The chains of two or more seals can be connected once summoned,[56] and one seals can attract the chains of all the others.[57] This seal can be placed on a target through physical contact[27] or close proximity.[58] Chain seals can also be activated remotely, which makes them an effective trap when placed on the ground or other surfaces.[59] They can also contract, restraining the target with debris if placed on any such material.[57] Multipliers increase the range and durability of a chain.[60] It was first seen in Chapter 9 (Episode 5 in the anime) when Yūma used Chain Triple to bind the Ilgar Kitora was battling. | |
Anchor (「錨」印, Ankā Lit. "Anchor" Seal?) | |
A blue[62] seal with the kanji for Anchor (錨 ?) appears, creating weights of about 200kg each[63] which can be used to limit the target's mobility. An Anchor seal can be placed through direct contact with the opponent, even if it is the latter who initiates it — for example, by attacking the user.[64] Weights can also be placed through interaction with an extension of the Black Trigger, such as the chains generated by the Chain seal;[65] so as soon as the targets free themselves from the chains, they will be affected by the Anchor seal. It is known to be very trion-consuming.[66] This seal was replicated from Shūji Miwa's Lead Bullet.[67] It was first seen in Chapter 16 (Episode 8 in the anime) when Yūma used it in conjunction with Bolt Quadra to immobilize Miwa and Yoneya. | |
Bolt (「射」印, Boruto Lit. "Archery/Shoot" Seal?) | |
An orange[62] seal with the kanji for Archery (射 ?) appears. It is capable of a ranged attack by shooting trion bullets.[23] It is possible to place multiple seals and activate them remotely, attacking the target from many directions at the same time.[68] Used in conjunction with other seals, it can apply that seal's effect to a distant target.[69] Multipliers increase the number or range of the bullets.[69] This seal was replicated from Shūji Miwa's Asteroid.[69] It was first seen in Chapter 16 (Episode 8 in the anime) when Yūma used it in conjunction with Anchor to immobilize Miwa and Yoneya.
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Gate (「門」印, Gēto Lit. "Gate" Seal?) | |
A blue[73] seal with the kanji for "gate" (門) appears, generating a Gate from which a previously analyzed Trion Soldier emerges.[74] When used by Replica, it summoned a black Rabbit of immense power, which had access to the Boost,[75] Shield[76] and Bolt[76] seals, outperforming Aftokrator's own Rabbits. This seal was created from scanning one of the damaged Rabbits during the Aftokrator invasion. It was first seen in Chapter 69 (Episode 31 in the anime) when Replica used it to protect Osamu. | |
Echo (「響」印, Ekō Lit. "Sound" Seal?) | |
A blue[77] seal with the kanji for "sound" (響) which emits a faint wave of trion through which the user receives information pertaining to the morphology of the terrain, the presence of living beings, and the position, distance, and conditions of trion constructs,[78] in a way that is reminiscent of echolocation. It was first seen in Chapter 77 (Episode 34 in the anime) in Yūma's battle against Viza. |
Compound Seals[edit | edit source]
Image | Name |
Description | |
Anchor + Bolt Quadra (「錨」印+「射」印四重, Ankā Purasu Boruto Kuadora Lit. "Anchor" Seal Plus "Archery/Shoot" Seal Fourfold?) | |
The user combines an Anchor seal with Bolt Quadra,[71] shooting several bullets that generate weights upon contact, making the target unable to move.[79] Thanks to the increase in the number of bullets and the width of the area of effect granted by the multiplier,[31] this technique can affect multiple targets at once.[70] | |
Bolt + Boost (「射」印+「強」印, Boruto Purasu Būsuto Lit. "Archery/Shoot" Seal Plus "Strength" Seal?) | |
The user combines a Bolt and a Boost seal,[57] firing bullets of a higher caliber and greater destructive power than the ones created with Bolt alone.[80]
Users[edit | edit source]
The only known users of this Trigger are Yūma Kuga and Replica (seemingly through Yūma). The former is dependent on it to live, and if separated from it, he will lose his trion supply and eventually run out of it, falling into a sort of "sleep mode" unless he can find another supply. Furthermore, without his ring, he will be unable to send nutrients to his flesh and blood body, which could lead to his demise.[81] Similarly, Replica receives its trion from the ring.[82] Trion Soldiers generated through the Gate seal can also use some of its abilities.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- As noted above, this Trigger has multiple unique traits. It is the only known Trigger:
- which can be utilized by two users at the same time;
- that can be directly used by a Trion Soldier;
- generating a trion body to be partially active at all times, and the sole to have multiple "layers" of activation;
- to create two different trion bodies;
- to rely on external sources for some of its abilities;
- that can increase its power through repeated uses, as it can create new seals and memorize them;
- to revive a flesh and blood body;
- which can create Trion Soldiers (excluding Triggers from the filler arc);
- to have an effect without a user (Yūma was on the verge of death when it was created and his father had just died, so neither of them could have activated it to seal Yūma's body);
- to alter the appearance of the user without their consent (Yūma's hair turned white);
- to bestow a Side Effect on someone who did not possess it beforehand.
- Boost Double is the seal that has been used the most frequently.
- Multiplier seals are named after English multipliers (2 and 3) and Latin ordinal number prefixes (4, 5, 6 and 7), albeit loosely in the latter case.
- Septa (7) is the highest multiplier seen thus far.
- Multiple seals are either copied from Border Triggers, or have comparable powers
- Bound has a power similar to Grasshopper, however it has much greater power output than Grasshopper, but only one platform can be created per activation.[37]
- both Yūma and Border's Shield become are more durable when fixed in place[51]
- Anchor was copied from Lead Bullet[67]
- Bolt was copied from Asteroid[69]
- The portal opened with Gate is identical to those created by Neighbors, as well as by Border for away missions.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 24 (p. 4)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 20 (p. 12)
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Does Yūma's Black Trigger have a name?
A: Because neither Yūma nor Replica tried to give it a name, it doesn't have one. They call it "Dad's Trigger" or "Yūgo's Black Trigger".
Source: Border Briefing File, Page 309, Question 183 - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 16)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 8)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 79 (p. 1)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 20 (p. 16)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 47 (p. 12)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 4)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 66 (p. 15)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 78 (p. 13)
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Do Black Triggers not come with communication abilities or Shields?
A: It’s different depending on the Black Trigger. For instance, Fūjin doesn’t seem to have Shield but looks like it has communication abilities (a receiver sometimes being there, sometimes not is the author's mistake). Yūma's Black Trigger doesn’t have communication abilities but Replica was responsible for that role.
Source: Volume 19, Question Corner 12 - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 20 (p. 19)
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: When Yūma's wounds healed after he was struck by a car (Chapter 2), does that mean that his Trion Body repaired itself?
A: Yes. Yūma's regular body is less durable than his Trion Body, but it has a repair function. A regular Trion Body wouldn't be damaged in a car crash.
Source: Volume 8, Question Corner 6 - ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Do normal Trion Body users also not need to sleep but need to eat?
A: Trion Body users need rest just like usual. This is because the brain and nerves get fatigued, and because the Trion Gland does not recuperate while using a Trion Body.
Source: Volume 13, Question Corner 10 - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 5 (p. 1-2)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 78 (p. 18)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 4 (p. 16)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 79 (p. 16)
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 79 (p. 18)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 5 (p. 10)
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 69 (p. 16)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 75 (p. 3)
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 8 (p. 16)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 77 (p. 11)
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 13)
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 77 (p. 4)
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Is Yūma unable to use the Black Trigger now that Replica isn't here?
A: He can, but he has to set it himself when using Overlap Seals or Composite Seals, so it takes time.
Source: Border Briefing File, Page 309, Question 184 - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Border Briefing File (p. 227)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 17)
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 64 (p. 15)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 24 (p. 8)
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 World Trigger Anime — Episode 1
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 1 (p. 49)
- ↑ 35.0 35.1
Daisuke Ashihara: Send things flying, whether it's yourself, others or objects. Can kill humans with its acceleration. Or they might die upon impact. Very dangerous. Using multipliers sends you further. Very, very dangerous.
World Trigger Manga — Vol. 2 Chapter 15 Yūma's Seals - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 66 (p. 12)
- ↑ 37.0 37.1
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Is there any difference between Yūma's "Bound" Seal and Grasshopper's abilities?
A: The "Bound" Seal has far more power output, but only one can be generated at a time.
Source: Border Briefing File, Page 309, Question 185 - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 79 (p. 17)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 64 (p. 13)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 63 (p. 16)
- ↑ World Trigger Anime — Episode 4
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Amplifies the effects of Trion. Can enhance attack strength. Used on the Trion body, it will enhance physical strength. An all-purpose seal to use when you simply want more power.
World Trigger Manga — Vol. 2 Chapter 15 Yūma's Seals - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 77 (p. 6)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 1 (p. 43-44)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 64 (p. 11)
- ↑ 46.0 46.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 64 (p. 12)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 47 (p. 11)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 9 (p. 10-11)
- ↑ World Trigger Anime — Episode 3
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 4 (p. 17)
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3
Daisuke Ashihara: Forms a barrier that deflects attacks. it is more powerful if fixed in place, and less effective if carried in hand. its surface area is increased by using the multipliers. Used in conjunction with Boost, it's a good way to increase defense.
World Trigger Manga — Vol. 2 Chapter 15 Yūma's Seals - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 2)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 3)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 11)
- ↑ World Trigger Anime — Episode 5
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 9 (p. 9)
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 57.2 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 66 (p. 13)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 9 (p. 8)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 64 (p. 7)
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Captures the target with a Trion chain. Two or more chains can be connected. By setting a seal on the ground or a wall, it can be used as a trap to restrict the target. Chain durability and range can be increased with multipliers.
World Trigger Manga — Vol. 2 Chapter 15 Yūma's Seals - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 9 (p. 10)
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 World Trigger Anime — Episode 8
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: How heavy is one of Miwa's Lead Bullets?
A: About 100kg (220lb). Yūma's Anchor is about twice that.
Source: Volume 8, Question Corner 6 - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 78 (p. 17)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 64 (p. 16)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 66 (p. 11)
- ↑ 67.0 67.1
Daisuke Ashihara: Copied from Miwa's attack. Changes Trion into weight to limit target's mobility. Needs to touch target directly when not used conjunction with Bolt.
World Trigger Manga — Vol. 2 Chapter 15 Yūma's Seals - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 77 (p. 7)
- ↑ 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3
Daisuke Ashihara: Copied from Miwa's attack. A ranged Trion attack. Used in conjunction with other seals, it can apply that seal's effect to a distant target. Range or number of shots can be increased using a multiplier.
World Trigger Manga — Vol. 2 Chapter 15 Yūma's Seals - ↑ 70.0 70.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 15)
- ↑ 71.0 71.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 14)
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 80 (p. 16)
- ↑ World Trigger Anime — Episode 31
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 69 (p. 17-18)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 70 (p. 1)
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 World Trigger Manga — Chapter 70 (p. 3)
- ↑ World Trigger Anime — Episode 34
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Please tell us "Echo" Seal's effect.
A: It emits a faint wave of trion through which you can learn the terrain of the surroundings and any living beings, and the position, distance, and state of trion constructs.
Source: Border Briefing File, Page 309, Question 186 - ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 15 (p. 15-16)
- ↑ World Trigger Manga — Chapter 66 (p. 14)
- ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Will Yūma die if he take off the Black Trigger Ring?
A: He won't die immediately. He can move for a while even if he takes off the Ring; like running out of battery he will eventually run out of Trion, stop moving and fall into sleep mode. If he is supplied with Trion he will start moving again. But without the ring he can't send nutrients to his flesh body, so he might die if he is left like that.
Source: Border Briefing File, Page 288, Question 3 - ↑
Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Is Replica's Trion created from Replica himself? Or is it borrowed somehow from Yūma or the surroundings?
A: Replica's Trion was supplied from Yūma's black trigger. If a supply cord is used, anyone can supply Replica with Trion.
Source: Border Briefing File, Page 309, Question 187
[edit | edit source]
Border Triggers | |
Basic Equipment | Bail Out • Radar • Trion Body |
Attacker | Kogetsu (Kogetsu: Spear) • Raygust • Scorpion • Sōgetsu (Axe) |
Gunner | Asteroid • Cobra • Gimlet • Hornet • Hound • Meteor • Salamander • Tomahawk • Viper |
Firearms | Assault Rifle • Grenade Launcher • Handgun • Minigun • Shotgun |
Sniper | Egret • Ibis • Lightning |
Defense | Escudo • Shield (Fixed Mode/Full Guard) |
Trap | Switchbox |
Optional | Bagworm • Bagworm Tag • Chameleon • Connector • Dummy Beacon • Enhanced Radar • Full Arms • Geist • Gen'yō • Grasshopper • Idaten • Lead Bullet • Makō • Senkū • Silencer • Spider • Starmaker • Teleporter • Thruster • Timer |
Prototypes | Connector • Dummy Beacon • Full Arms • Geist • Idaten • Makō • Teleporter • Timer |
Black | Fūjin • Tsukihiko Amō's Black Trigger • Yūma's Black Trigger |