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    I hadn't planned on going out... but I'll capture the Golden Chick myself.

    Hyrein, in Chapter 67.[1]

    Hyrein (ハイレイン, Hairein ?) is Neighbor from Aftokrator, and the head of House Beltiston. He is the user of the Black Trigger Alektor and the captain of the Expedition Force from Aftokrator.

    Appearance[edit | edit source]

    Hyrein is a tall neighbor with long, messy blue hair and neat blue eyes. Like all other Aftokrator Neighbors, he has two horns on his head. In the anime, he is portrayed with light blue-gray hair.

    According to The Author's comment, his image of design is a dragon.[5]

    Personality[edit | edit source]

    Hyrein has a careful and calculating personality and is also shown to be a good strategist. He seems to be intent on fulfilling his group's goal. Despite this, he is a pacifist and fears Mira due to her sadistic personality. He appears to have a sense of ethics as he chose tactics which divided enemy forces and concentrated on capturing C-rank agents only.[3]

    Quotes[edit | edit source]

    • (About Chika) "I hadn't planned on going out... but I'll capture the Golden Chick myself."

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • Hyrein is the Greek verb for "to take", and the origin for the English word "heresy".
    • Hyrein likes[3][4]:
      • Capable pawns
      • Diversionary and dividing tactics
      • His family
      • A peaceful life
    • Izumi's nickname to Hyrein, Exciting Animal Bastard (わくわく動物野郎, Waku Waku Dōbutsu Yarō ?), comes from the TV program Exciting Animal Land (Waku Waku Dōbutsu Rando ?). As the name implies, it's a show about animals, which explains why the nickname was adapted to "Mr. Discovery Channel" in Viz's translation.
    • He was ranked 42nd in the first Popularity Poll, and 61st in the second. Additionally, the nickname given to him by Izumi was one of the "characters" ranked 130th.
    • Either he or Ranbanein are stated to marry Mira.[5]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. World Trigger MangaChapter 67 (p. 19)
    2. World Trigger MangaChapter 47 (p. 4)
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 World Trigger MangaVol. 9 Chapter 78 Hyrein Profile
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 236)
    5. 5.0 5.1 World Trigger MangaVol. 9 Chapter 79 Character Profile

    Navigation[edit | edit source]

    House Beltiston HyreinRanbanein
    House Ellin Hyuse's MasterHyuse
    Mira's House Mira
    Unknown House EnedoraViza
    Triggers AlektorChelidonCapeLampyrisOrganonRadarSpeiraskiaTracking BeaconTrion ReceptorVorvoros
    Trion Soldiers BadoBamsterIlgarMarmodRabbitRadBander
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