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    Arashiyama's siblings.


    Arashiyama joined Border during its debut four years prior to Yūma Kuga's enlistment.[1] Arashiyama was at a press conference with his teammate at the time, Kakizaki, regarding Border's recruitment of new members.[2] When asked by a journalist who opposed Border whether he would protect his family or fellow citizens if they could choose only one, Arashiyama did not hesitate to pick his family[3], while Kakizaki was unable to answer. Approximately two years later[4] Arashiyama Squad was chosen as the PR Squad, which prompted Kakizaki to leave the squad out of insecurity.[5] Arashiyama's Operator, Ayatsuji immediately introduced him to Madoka Ui so he could form his own Squad,[6] and he received applications from two prodigies, Kotarō Tomoe and Fumika Teruya.[7]

    Introduction Arc

    Arashiyama was first seen when his squad was dispatched to rid of the Marmod at Osamu's school.[8] However, the Trion Soldiers had already been killed[9] by Osamu[10], and Yūma[11]. so Arashiyama Squad didn't get a chance to show their abilities. Arashiyama thanked Osamu because he saved his siblings (Fuku, and Saho)[12], and told him that he would be on his side.[13] After that, the Squad was called to withdraw[13], but sent a report to Border HQ talking about how Osamu destroyed all the Trion Soldiers[14], and that was rescue operations were crucial.[14]

    Later Arashiyama Squad takes part in the extermination of all Rads in Mikado City.[15]

    Black Trigger Capture Arc

    Border Enlistment Arc

    See also: Official Border Enlistment Day

    After Shinoda gives his speech[16], Arashiyama, along with the rest of his squad, continue with the orientation.[17] Arashiyama starts off by splitting the trainees into 2 groups, one for Snipers, and one for the rest[18], afterwards the Snipers go with Satori[18], while the rest stuck with the remainder of Arashiyama Squad.[18]

    Arashiyama started off by congratulating the now trainees, then explained how they can become B-Rank (official agents).[19] most trainees start off with 1,000 points, however some people get extra points if they showed aptitude during their provisional enlistment.[19] to become B-Rank the trainee needs to raise their points up to 4,000, which can be earned during the twice a week group training sessions, or fight in Rank Wars.[19]

    Not long after, Arashiyama moved all the trainees, into one of the Virtual Training Facilities for their first training exercise[20]: fighting a virtually reconstructed Bamster (that was made smaller for training)[20], each trainee got 5 minutes to destroy it, additionally people with a faster time, got a better score.[20]

    After all the trainees finished the training exercise, Kōda Squad tried to recruit Yūma, but he declined[21], this prompted Arashiyama to ask if Yūma was going to team up with Osamu, which Yūma confirmed.[21] A second later, Kazama showed up, and said he wanted to fight "one of Jin's charge"[22], which Arashiyama assumed he meant Yūma, which made Arashiyama yell out saying Kazama can't find Yūma as the latter is still a trainee[22] (which Yūma didn't mind however).[22], but then Kazama clarified saying he wanted to fight Osamu[23]

    Arashiyama gets confused, and assumes it was another of Commander Kido's orders.[24] Kazama rebuts with how Osamu is an official agent, so he isn't breaking any rules by asking for a mock battle.[24] Arashiyama, and Karasuma mention that Osamu doesn't have to accept the battle, and can just refuse[25], however he accepts anyways with the logic that he would have to fight Kazama eventually[25], which shocks them, Arashiyama says Yūma can watch, while Karasuma says Osamu can't win, which Osamu already knew beforehand.[26]

    Arashiyama appears again near the end of the mock battle, where he was surprised at Osamu's tactic of using a shield charge to trap Kazama within Raygust.[27] however after Osamu used Asteroid to attack the trapped Kazama[27], it was revealed that Kazama was able to use Scorpion to sever Osamu's relay system[28], which had Arashiyama sad as Osamu had the upper hand in reading ahead.[28], but then was glad as in the end Osamu's asteroid attack made the battle a tie.[29]

    However after the match finished, Arashiyama chatted with Osamu[30], and then Kazama assessed Osamu[31], but afterwards Arashiyama got a call from the Sniper Training Group where he learned Chika got into trouble.[32]

    At the end of Enlistment Day, Arashiyama talked on the phone with Jin about what happened during the day.[33]

    Not long after Enlistment Day, Jin mentions Arashiyama as one of the twelve candidates who can use Fūjin[34], but he along with Kitora, were ruled out as people who can keep it due to their jobs in PR.[34]

    Large-Scale Invasion Arc

    Not long after the New Type appeared, Arashiyama Squad appeared to save Chano Squad[35], and destroyed the Rabbit[35] When Arashiyama tried to contact HQ, he only got static back[36], before realizing the base was under attack by Ilgars[36]

    After the bombing, Arashiyama confirms the base is fine.[37] Not long after HQ responds to Arashiyama asking to confirm if they took down a Rabbit[38], with Netsuki congratulating him on being the first one to pull it off.[38] Arashiyama clarified that his squad only finished it off, as Osamu, and Yūma already destroyed most of it.[38] After an argument between the top brass, and the Tamakoma duo[39], it was decided that Kitora will stay with Osamu to support the C-rank trainees with the evacuation.[40] While Yūma will stay with Arashiyama Squad in the forbidden zone to destroy the Trion Soldiers, with the Rabbits being the priority.[40]

    After the announcement that Kazama Bailed Out, Arashiyama mentions that if something powerful enough showed up, and defeated Kazama, it could be a Black Trigger user.[41] Afterwards Jin shows up to talk to Arashiyama and Yūma[42] (after having Amō cover for Jin in the western area[42]) Jin then reveals he needs Yūma to come with him to prevent the worst future - Osamu's death[43]

    This shocks the duo, but Jin brushes it off, as it is the worst case scenario, even then he and Yūma are going to prevent it anyways.[44] Tokieda asks if Commander Kido is okay with this, Jin confirms it is as long as Yūma doesn't leave the Forbidden Zone.[45] This surprises Arashiyama as it means they can't really save Osamu[45], but Jin reveals that Reiji, and Karasuma are bringing Osamu, and Chika towards them.[45]

    During this time, Kunichika mentions Arashiyama as one of the two people tied for first in terms of destroying Rabbits at 3 destroyed.[46]

    Near the end of the Invasion, Osamu thinks about Arashiyama as one of the people who helped him reach this far[47], as he is running towards the base.[47]

    At the end of the Invasion, Arashiyama Squad teams up with Konami to help take out the remaining Trion Soldiers at the request of Jin.[48] additionally Kako Squad showed up, and helped take out a group of Marmods.[49]

    After the Invasion finished, Arashiyama is mentioned as one of the people who visited Osamu, while he was in a coma.[50]

    B-Rank Wars Arc

    Round 1

    It was shown at the end of the Round[51], Arashiyama, and Kitora were watching from their Strategy Room[51]

    Round 2

    At the start of the Round, the Arashiyama Squad combatants (with the exception of Satori[52]) were shown to be in the stands[53], along with other off-duty A-rank agents.[53]

    After the Round ended, Arashiyama, and Tokieda appeared in the stands[54], with Tokieda commenting that Tamakoma Second was skilled.[54]

    Not long after, Arashiyama, along with the rest of his squad[55], was greeted by the other off-duty A-rank agents that watched the match[55]

    Round 4

    Galopoula's Invasion

    Post-Round 5

    Due to Galopoula's Invasion, Arashiyama, and Kitora were not able to watch the Round live, but Arashiyama checked the score afterwards, and informed Kitora that Tamakoma Second won the Round with 7 points.[56]

    Official Border Enlistment Day (February 22)

    Arashiyama Squad was once again picked to be squad responsible for the enlistment orientation.[57] During the Virtual Fight against a Bamster, Hyuse got a time of 1.5 seconds[58], which Arashiyama mentions it as the second best ever time.[57] However after Hyuse hears it is only second best, he wants to try again.[57]

    After most of the training is done[59], Arashiyama repeats to the trainees how to reach B-Rank[59], and then he explains that he will go over the details about Solo Rank Wars[59], but there is one more training session the trainees have to do.[59] Normally the trainees start off with 1,000 points, and then have an evaluation during a provisional enlistment where they can earn extra points when they officially become trainees.[60] However due to the enlistment happening at an irregular time[60], the next training session will be a skill test.[60]

    For the test, the trainees will be split into groups of 5[61], and the trainee has to fight everyone else in the group[61] where they get 120 points for every enemy they take down.[61] After there is one person remaining in each group, the trainees get reshuffled, this happens until each trainee fought in four matches.[61]

    After Hyuse finishes the skill test[62], Arashiyama comments that despite hearing about Hyuse from Jin[62], Arashiyama was still surprised about Hyuse's skill.[62]

    After the orientation is done[63], Arashiyama watches Solo Rank Wars from the stands[63], where Ikoma surprises Arashiyama by sneaking up from behind, and poking his cheek.[63]

    Round 7

    Round 8

    At the start of the round the Arashiyama Squad combatants were shown in the stands[64], along with Kakizaki, Arafune, and Miwa Squads.[64]

    At the beginning of the match, when everyone was ganging up on Hyuse, Ikoma prepares his signature technique[65], however Hyuse then uses Escudo to launch him into the air.[66], but then Ikoma decides to go for an which works.[67] this surprises both Arashiyama, and Satori.[68] After the battle continues, Ikoma tries to use his signature technique again[69], but Arashiyama comments that it is a feint.[70]

    Near the end of the match, when Yuba is charging at Ninomiya.[71] Both Arashiyama, and Kakizaki note when Ninomiya is in Yuba's range.[71]

    Later on when it is just Ninomiya Squad vs Tamakoma Second, Tokieda explains what he thinks is Ninomiya Squad's strategy[72], which Arashiyama agrees with.[72]

    At the end of the match, Tsuji goes after Osamu, which Arashiyama notes.[73], but after Osamu shoots Asteroid[74], we see Arashiyama's reaction to the event where he is stonefaced.[75]

    Away Mission Test Arc

    A-rank Squad Evaluation

    During the Evaluation, Arashiyama thinks about how Utagawa's Squad 1, seemed to have more trouble than expected, but Satori, and Ayatsuji aren't worried due to the presence of Utagawa, and Tomoe.[76] later on, Satori mentions how overall, Mizukami's Squad 9 is the smartest squad out of them all, due to all the teammates having good grades, or is counted as smart.[77]

    Day 1

    On Day 1, Arashiyama Squad was assigned to be the judges for the day shift.[78][79] At the beginning of the Day, Tokieda comments on how Wakamura's Squad 11 is starting off slow, but Arashiyama mentions that they might not be as they seem to be checking the files.[80] Later during the special assignment, Arashiyama gave points to Ōji[81], Somei[81], Hyuse[82], and Yūma[82] for their ideas on the assignment.[81][82]

    Day 2

    On Day 2, Arashiyama Squad was again assigned to be the judges for the day shift.[83]

    Day 4

    On Day 4, Arashiyama Squad was assigned to be judges for the day shift.[84][85] Before the 3rd set of Battle Simulation Exercise matches start, Mizukami reveals that he has been hiding the Battle Simulation Exercise from the rest of his squad for the last 4 days[86], this angers Teruya who demands an explanation[87], to which he gives one[88], however Arashiyama, and Satori comment on how the logic checks out[89], but Teruya is probably not going to accept it, due to how different her original squad is.[89]


    1. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 271)
    2. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 16 Chapter 142 (p. 3) and Episode 79.
    3. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 16 Chapter 142 (p. 4) and Episode 79.
    4. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 16 Chapter 142 (p. 14) and Episode 79.
    5. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 16 Chapter 142 (p. 12) and Episode 79.
    6. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 16 Chapter 142 (p. 13) and Episode 79.
    7. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 16 Chapter 142 (p. 13-14) and Episode 79.
    8. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 1 Chapter 5 (p. 19) and Episode 3.
    9. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 1 Chapter 6 (p. 1-3) and Episode 3.
    10. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 1 Chapter 4 (p. 7-8) and Episode 3.
    11. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 1 Chapter 5 (p. 7-10) and Episode 3.
    12. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 1 Chapter 6 (p. 6-7) and Episode 3.
    13. 13.0 13.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 1 Chapter 6 (p. 16) and Episode 4.
    14. 14.0 14.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 2 Chapter 10 (p. 7-8) and Episode 5.
    15. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 2 Chapter 11 (p. 15) and Episode 6.
    16. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 33 (p. 3) and Episode 17.
    17. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 33 (p. 4-6) and Episode 17.
    18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 33 (p. 6) and Episode 17.
    19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 33 (p. 7-9) and Episode 17.
    20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 33 (p. 9-13) and Episode 17.
    21. 21.0 21.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 34 (p. 17) and Episode 17.
    22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 34 (p. 17-19) and Episode 17.
    23. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 4 Chapter 34 (p. 19) and Episode 17.
    24. 24.0 24.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 35 (p. 1) and Episode 18.
    25. 25.0 25.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 35 (p. 3-4) and Episode 18.
    26. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 35 (p. 4-5) and Episode 18.
    27. 27.0 27.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 36 (p. 17-18) and Episode 18.
    28. 28.0 28.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 37 (p. 2) and Episode 18.
    29. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 37 (p. 4) and Episode 18.
    30. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 37 (p. 6) and Episode 18.
    31. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 37 (p. 6-7) and Episode 18.
    32. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 37 (p. 11) and Episode 18.
    33. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Who was the person Jin was talking to in the end of Chapter 37?
      A: From the way he spoke, it seems to be Arashiyama.
      Source: Border Briefing File, Page 302, Question 132
    34. 34.0 34.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 5 Chapter 43 (p. 3) and Episode 21.
    35. 35.0 35.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 6 Chapter 47 (p. 13-15) and Episode 23.
    36. 36.0 36.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 6 Chapter 47 (p. 16-18) and Episode 23.
    37. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 6 Chapter 48 (p. 8) and Episode 23.
    38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 6 Chapter 48 (p. 10) and Episode 23.
    39. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 6 Chapter 48 (p. 10-14) and Episode 23.
    40. 40.0 40.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 6 Chapter 48 (p. 16-17) and Episode 23.
    41. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 7 Chapter 57 (p. 2) and Episode 26.
    42. 42.0 42.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 7 Chapter 57 (p. 16) and Episode 26.
    43. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 7 Chapter 57 (p. 16-18) and Episode 26.
    44. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 7 Chapter 58 (p. 1) and Episode 27.
    45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 7 Chapter 58 (p. 2) and Episode 27.
    46. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 7 Chapter 57 (p. 13) and Episode 26.
    47. 47.0 47.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 69 (p. 9-11) and Episode 31.
    48. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 10 Chapter 81 (p. 4-7) and Episode 35.
    49. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 10 Chapter 81 (p. 8-9) and Episode 35.
    50. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 10 Chapter 83 (p. 2-3) and Episode 35.
    51. 51.0 51.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 10 Chapter 86 (p. 18) and Episode 38.
    52. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: During Round 2 of B-rank Rank Wars, why was only Satori not in the audience with the other Arashiyama Squad combatants?
      A: He had work piling up because he commentated on Round 1, so he was finishing off odd jobs with Ayatsuji's help.
      Source: Border Briefing File, Page 291, Question 32
    53. 53.0 53.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 10 Chapter 88 (p. 2) and Episode 40.
    54. 54.0 54.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 11 Chapter 91 (p. 11) and Episode 41.
    55. 55.0 55.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 11 Chapter 92 (p. 1) and Episode 42.
    56. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 17 Chapter 146 (p. 5) and Episode 81.
    57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 159 (p. 2) and Episode 85.
    58. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 159 (p. 1-2) and Episode 85.
    59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 159 (p. 3) and Episode 85.
    60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 159 (p. 4) and Episode 85.
    61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 159 (p. 5) and Episode 85.
    62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 159 (p. 8) and Episode 85.
    63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 159 (p. 19) and Episode 85.
    64. 64.0 64.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 21 Chapter 183 (p. 13) and Episode 95.
    65. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 188 (p. 16) and Episode 97.
    66. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 188 (p. 17) and Episode 97.
    67. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 188 (p. 18-19) and Episode 97.
    68. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 188 (p. 20) and Episode 97.
    69. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 189 (p. 7) and Episode 97.
    70. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 189 (p. 8) and Episode 97.
    71. 71.0 71.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 192 (p. 19) and Episode 98.
    72. 72.0 72.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 194 (p. 9) and Episode 99.
    73. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 195 (p. 4-5) and Episode 99.
    74. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 195 (p. 10) and Episode 99.
    75. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 195 (p. 11) and Episode 99.
    76. World Trigger Manga Vol. 24 Chapter 206 (p. 9-10).
    77. World Trigger Manga Vol. 24 Chapter 206 (p. 14).
    78. World Trigger Manga Vol. 24 Chapter 210 (p. 17).
    79. World Trigger Manga Vol. 24 Chapter 207 (p. 30, 37), on the schedule in chapter 210, while you can't see Arashiyama Squad on the schedule, you can see Usami, and Fuyushima's names, who were judges at the same time as Arashiyama
    80. World Trigger Manga Vol. 24 Chapter 207 (p. 31).
    81. 81.0 81.1 81.2 World Trigger Manga Vol. 24 Chapter 210 (p. 8).
    82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 World Trigger Manga Vol. 24 Chapter 210 (p. 10).
    83. World Trigger Manga Vol. 25 Chapter 219 (p. 6).
    84. World Trigger Manga Vol. 26 Chapter 227 (p. 19).
    85. World Trigger Manga Vol. 26 Chapter 228 (p. 5-6), Arashiyama, and Tokieda are shown judging Mizukami's Squad 9, before the battle sims start
    86. World Trigger Manga Vol. 26 Chapter 228 (p. 1).
    87. World Trigger Manga Vol. 26 Chapter 228 (p. 2-3).
    88. World Trigger Manga Vol. 26 Chapter 228 (p. 4-5).
    89. 89.0 89.1 World Trigger Manga Vol. 26 Chapter 228 (p. 5-6).


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