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    (Redirected from Chapter 37)
    This page is about Chapter 37. For other uses, see Osamu Mikumo (disambiguation).

    Osamu Mikumo 6 (()(くも) (おさむ)Mikumo Osamu 6 ?) is Chapter 37 of the World Trigger Manga.

    Short summary[edit | edit source]

    The final round between Osamu and Kazama ends with a tie. On the other hand, Chika apologizes for creating a hole on the base's wall.

    Long summary[edit | edit source]

    Everyone watches eagerly for the result of Osamu's attack with the latter appears to have lost, suffering a major hit to his shoulder. However, as the smoke clears, Kazama's arm falls off, causing him to lose as well and the round is declared as a draw. While Kitora is surprised by the outcome, Karasuma remarks that although Osamu didn't win, it was a stunning victory.

    Yūma meets Osamu as he exits the training room, and the two of them high-five. Karasuma meets up with Kazama and thanks him for fighting his pupil. Kazama then asks if Karasuma taught Osamu the final strategy, but Karasuma says that he only taught him some basics. When Karasuma asks what Kazama thinks of Osamu, he says Osamu is weak with low Trion level and can't see what Jin was raving about. However, he adds that Osamu has the wit and creativity to fight, which Kazama doesn't object to. Yūma then asks Kazama for a fight, but Kazama declines, telling Yūma to reach his level if Yūma wants to fight. As they leave the area, Kikuchihara scolds Kazama for losing, saying he would've won 100 out of 100 fights. Inwardly Kazama reflects on Mikumo's ability to completely read his moves after the first 20 rounds and is interested to see how far someone untalented can go with that kind of wisdom and creativity.

    Suddenly, Arashiyama receives a call and runs up to Osamu, quickly telling him that there is trouble with his other teammate. At the sniper training hall, Chika is on the floor, bowing in apology for blowing a hole in the side of the base. However, Azuma simply says that Satori will take responsibility since it occurred during training. Noting that Chika's Trion level hasn't been measured, he asks where she is from, and Chika worries that her actions will reflect poorly on Tamakoma Branch. Again, Azuma says Satori will take responsibility. Kinuta then barges in, only to find that there is a hole in the wall. When he angrily demanding to know who blew the giant hole in the wall, Chika stands up, but Satori quickly jumps in front of her and takes responsibility. Seeing the latter being scolded by Kinuta, Chika quickly bows and admits that she was the one responsible. Kinuta asks Azuma if this is true, and he confirms that Chika shot the hole with Ibis and she is from Tamakoma Branch.

    Osamu and Yūma rush into the room and find Kinuta kindly patting Chika on the head, praising her high Trion level. When Satori mistakenly thinks that Kinuta has Lolita Complex, Azuma corrects him by saying that Chika only reminds Kinuta of his daughter. Seeing Osamu, Kinuta slaps him on the back and tells him to properly look after Chika. The other trainees huddle excitedly around Chika as Yūma checks out the giant hole she made. Azuma realizes that Jin and Rindō most likely didn't report her amazing Trion level in order to make a spectacular debut at HQ.

    Afterward, Jin, who is sitting among a large pile of Trion Soldier remains, receives a call concerning his kouhai and says that he could tell that they would stand out, even without his Side Effect. As everyone at HQ is talking about the amazing new members, Jin says that this is just the beginning.

    Characters in order of appearance[edit | edit source]

    Triggers in Order of Appearance[edit | edit source]

    Navigation[edit | edit source]

    Border Enlistment Arc
    Chapters 33343536373839404142
    Volumes 45
    Episodes 1718192021
    Volumes Chapters
    1 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7
    2 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16
    3 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25
    4 26 • 27 • 28 • 29 • 30 • 31 • 32 • 33 • 34
    5 35 • 36 • 37 • 38 • 39 • 40 • 41 • 42 • 43
    6 44 • 45 • 46 • 47 • 48 • 49 • 50 • 51 • 52
    7 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61
    8 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69 • 70
    9 71 • 72 • 73 • 74 • 75 • 76 • 77 • 78 • 79
    10 80 • 81 • 82 • 83 • 84 • 85 • 86 • 87 • 88
    11 89 • 90 • 91 • 92 • 93 • 94 • 95 • 96 • 97
    12 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106
    13 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 • 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115
    14 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121 • 122 • 123 • 124
    15 125 • 126 • 127 • 128 • 129 • 130 • 131 • 132 • 133
    16 134 • 135 • 136 • 137 • 138 • 139 • 140 • 141 • 142
    17 143 • 144 • 145 • 146 • 147 • 148 • 149 • 150 • 151
    18 152 • 153 • 154 • 155 • 156 • 157 • 158 • 159 • 160
    19 161 • 162 • 163 • 164 • 165 • 166 • 167 • 168 • 169
    20 170 • 171 • 172 • 173 • 174 • 175 • 176 • 177 • 178
    21 179 • 180 • 181 • 182 • 183 • 184 • 185 • 186 • 187
    22 188 • 189 • 190 • 191 • 192 • 193 • 194 • 195 • 196
    23 197 • 198 • 199 • 200 • 201 • 202 • 203 • 204 • 205
    24 206 • 207 • 208 • 209 • 210 • 211 • 212 • 213
    25 214 • 215 • 216 • 217 • 218 • 219 • 220 • 221 • 222 • 223
    26 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 • 228 • 229 • 230 • 231
    27 232 • 233 • 234 • 235 • 236 • 237 • 238
    28 239 • 240 • 241 • 242 • 243 • 244 • 245 • 246 • 247
    Chapters not yet in tankōbon format
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