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    ====[[Large-Scale Invasion 2 (volume)|Volume 7]] - [[Large-Scale Invasion 11|Chapter 61]]====
    ====[[Large-Scale Invasion 2 (volume)|Volume 7]] - [[Large-Scale Invasion 11|Chapter 61]]====
    Ranbanein - Jolly Jet-Gorilla

    A genuinely trigger-happy triple threat of smiles, muscles and firepower. It’s pretty fantastical to imagine guys like him flying all over Aftokrator. He was going to call Hyrein “brother,” but official opinion is split over whether he would've called him “Bro-bro,” “Brother dear” or “Brother mine.” “Best brother in the whole world” is a bit of a long shot. My design inspiration was a red ogre.
    Enedora - #1 Adorable Moe Character

    Along with the Rads and Mr. Kinuta, he’s one of the “Three World Trigger Moe Characters.” He's jiggling 24-7 thanks to his liquid Trigger; line up four Enedoras of the same color, and pop! They disappear. He was supposedly a nice kid before his horns were transplanted, but | doubt I'll ever get to draw that. My inspiration was the Hanya masks used in Noh theater.
    Murakami - Twin Blade Top S

    Barely 18, he’s a warrior who knows his position. He belongs to a minor branch and has a flaky captain, but he tries so hard that his forehead is all-out. Just like Reiji, Kazama and Kitora, people who are disciplined must want to expose their foreheads. I hope he interacts with Osamu and Yuma sometime.
    Kuruma - Bait Boy

    He's like a fawn who strayed from his herd—a target for everyone. He comes from a rich family and grew up super spoiled, but he’s a well-balanced person who's humble, not arrogant or selfish, and popular. He's never been angry in his life. His hair will soon become curly like the Buddha.
    Taichi - Swiss-Cheese Hat, Bottom Eyelashes

    The unlucky Sniper who got obliterated when he followed Azuma. He tends to be clumsy, causing catastrophic damage while trying to do good, making him the true bane. He fiddled with a tropical fish tank and boiled the fish, but even though Kuruma shed tears of blood, he forgave him, forever earning Taichi’s respect.
    Chano Squad - Two-Page Spread B-Rank

    Redshirts with a lot of ambition who used up a two-page spread as they were getting defeated. It's the classic story of getting into a crisis because of dual-wielding pistols. This squad can turn any battle into a defeat. Also, | looked at my character data chart, and it said, “Makoto Chano: a tomboy." I realized that I could get into trouble and pretended not to have seen it.

    ====[[Large-Scale Invasion 3 (volume)|Volume 8]] - [[Large-Scale Invasion 17|Chapter 70]]====
    ====[[Large-Scale Invasion 3 (volume)|Volume 8]] - [[Large-Scale Invasion 17|Chapter 70]]====
    Hyuse - Magnetic Youth

    An elite fighter with the most modern Trigger, he was chosen at a young age for the away team so he should have been awesome. Unfortunately, he was matched against Jin and ended up looking like cannon fodder. He is from the most recent generation of horned fighters to be deployed, which in terms of stability and Trion augmentation is one of the best in history. But he has the terrible burden of only being able to sleep on his stomach. Live on!
    Viza - Building-Slashing Grandpa

    He wields a brutal Black Trigger with a wide-ranged, indiscriminate, insta-kill slashing attack. As an expert swordsman with loads of experience, he can influence an entire war from afar. He has the makings of a true hero. He is definitely one of the most powerful characters in World Trigger. He has probably brought down entire regimes by himself. He was definitely even more dangerous when he was younger. I'd really like to try drawing his past.
    Arafune - Hollywood Action Hero

    He is a show-off sniper, always featured in scenes of jumping off the top of buildings. He most likely picks rooftops just so he can jump off of them. He goes to a prep school and has good grades, which is rare for a B-Rank agent. Maybe the academic pressure is fueling the flashy action. His weaknesses are his inability to swim and his fear of dogs.
    Ayatsuji - The Epitome of a Model Student

    The one everyone looks up to, both in and out of Border. She has the looks and the smarts, but is disastrous at the arts. While she is a perfect being in every other way, legend has it that her atrocious singing amused Commander Kido and made Karasawa break out in a cold sweat. Additionally, she is the iron-fortress C-cup who is the student council vice president at her prep school.
    Kaho Mikami - Mika-Mika

    A competent Operator who, just like Kazama, is the embodiment of “small but effective.” As the eldest of four, she has been cultivated into a motherly figure with a caring personality and is thus especially popular with other women. Konami, Shiori, Ayatsuji, Kunichika and Sawamura all admire her. She is an A-cup who wishes that someone would take care of her sometimes.
    Kunichika - From Spelunker to FPS

    Border’s top gamer. Her days consist of eating,
    sleeping and gaming. Unlike the other two women, she goes to an average school and her grades are only so-so. But she’s a number one A-Rank agent! Both her and Tachikawa are proof that grades aren't everything. She is a E-cup who will strangle her opponent with tears in her eyes whenever she loses a match.

    ====[[Large-Scale Invasion 4 (volume)|Volume 9]] - [[Large-Scale Invasion 23|Chapter 79]]====
    ====[[Large-Scale Invasion 4 (volume)|Volume 9]] - [[Large-Scale Invasion 23|Chapter 79]]====
    Hyrein - Mr. Discovery Channel

    A natural entertainer who let the doves(?) fly loose the minute he landed. He can control over fifty different species of animal bullets. His favorite ones are the frog and giant tortoise, but they never actually hit an opponent. His horns lie flat on his head, meaning they don’t go out sideways like Hyuse’s, so he can’t sleep on his back, but he can sleep on his side. Why didn’t | do that for Hyuse’s horns? My design inspiration for him was a dragon.
    Mira - Sadistic Wormhole Woman

    She's not someone you'd want as your enemy. Her wormholes and thorny smile terrify all of Aftokrator. Just saying, “The wormhole woman is coming,” will make even a whining child go silent with fear. She's annoyed about her reputation though. She is supposed to have a political marriage with either Hyrein or Ranbanein, and they're probably both terrified at the thought of it. My design inspiration for her was the devil.
    Tsukimi - Too Good for You

    She has been in the series since chapter two (voice only) and it took 70 weeks until her face was revealed. She's oblivious to cockroaches, but she hates all bugs so it doesn’t matter. Women who are too good for you tend to care only for the talented train-wreck guys. She set the record by improving both Tachikawa and Miwa’s performance by 20 percent through a Spartan training regimen. Too good for your standard C-cup.
    Captain Fuyushima - Winter T-shirt (Techie)

    Showed up only in name in chapter 25 but was smart enough to lie low and wait for 50 more chapters. With his long hair, weird inventions and squatting in combat zones—he was earning his intellectual points but ruined it all with an ugly T-shirt. He joined Border as an engineer, but was later scouted by an operator named Risa Maki. He's a 29-year-old who can’t say no to a high school girl.
    Mini Replicas - If You See One, There's Thirty

    Pipsqueaks that budded off from the rice cooker. They're very handy, easy to draw, and very knowledgeable about Neighbors. Such capable characters! Replica can create as many minis as his Trion reserves can support, making him a surprise key player in the Invasion arc. Yuma’s
    dad sure did build something super convenient. Amazing!

    ====[[Osamu Mikumo 3 (volume)|Volume 10]] - [[Tamakoma Second 3|Chapter 88]]====
    ====[[Osamu Mikumo 3 (volume)|Volume 10]] - [[Tamakoma Second 3|Chapter 88]]====

    Revision as of 19:03, July 2, 2024

    This is a list of Extras from the Manga series - World Trigger

    See also:
    Question Corner
    Popularity Poll
    Strategy Room
    Extra Art


    Character Profiles

    Volume 1 - Chapter 7

    Yuma - Just Break a Leg

    The true heir to the duck lips and “=" eyes. He didn’t start out as a shorty, but if he’d been tall, the scene where he breaks the punk’s leg would've been too controversial. So I’m glad he’s a shorty. Designed after a chicken.

    Osamu - Four-Eyes 4Evo

    A straightforward character whose only initial character description was “guy with glasses.” His catchphrase is “What the...?!” At any given moment, there's a high possibility that a sweat drop is on his face. If you collect 50 Osamus without a sweat drop, you can exchange them for a chance to win one golden Osamu.

    Replica - The Round Black Floaty Thing

    Autonomous all-purpose sidekick that takes care of all exposition. Indispensable for making the story flow smoothly, and very convenient. Designed after my rice cooker.

    Kitora - By A-rank, for A-rank

    She's skilled and proud, and that makes her vulnerable—my favorite kind of character. My editor said, “The readers might not like her personality.” So her bust size was increased to counterbalance that.

    Arashiyama - Brother and Sister Complex

    | like this character a lot, but DRAWING HIS HAIR IS A PAIN.

    Mitsuru - Right, Arashiyama?

    I've always felt that characters with sleepy eyes are competent. Therefore, Mitsuru is probably competent. He was more of a pretty boy in the initial design, but his current looks are more interesting.

    Volume 2 - Chapter 16

    Jin - The Bonchi Rice Cracker Diet

    He's an elite agent of sexual harassment, using his Side Effect to pick out women who'll better tolerate his advances. Speaking of advances, he moves the plot along really well, but he’s so convenient that it's a problem. He has the same silhouette as Arashiyama, so it's rumored that one of them will get an afro or a mohawk at his next power-up.

    Chika - Neighbor Magnet

    A quiet character with a tough-luck past—one of the character types I’m not good at. But she shows some backbone in the next volume, so it gets easier. People say she’s slowly getting smaller while her hair antenna is getting bigger, so it’s possible her antenna is absorbing her body.

    Miwa - A-Rank Sister Complex (The Serious One)

    A guy with a sister complex who's popular with female readers. He's always angry, but his forehead is covered by hair, so it’s hard to draw a convincing angry face. Not a very functional design. I'd like to give him a haircut one of these days.

    Yoneya - A-Rank Short Sleeves (Or so you think.)

    He's always had lifeless eyes, but | kinda like him. I'm glad a lot of people noticed his buttons. He’s actually a cousin of Shiori, who appears in volume 3. Unfortunately, his family doesn’t run a rice store, unlike what his name implies.

    Narasaka - A-Rank Mushroom Cut (Sniper)

    He appears to be a relative of a mushroom, but he’s actually in the bamboo family. My assistants and editor think he’s really skilled for some reason, even though he hasn't done much. Do people judge a book by its cover after all?

    Kodera - A-Rank Glasses (Glasses)

    He's A-Rank but always breaking out in a cold sweat. He is always behind the team, even though lower-ranked agents grumble about him. He's a glasses-wearing character who's often surprised. Since that’s the same as Osamu's role, it's rumored that the one who loses at the high jump will have to turn into a delinquent or reveal that he’s gay.

    Volume 3 - Chapter 25

    Yotaro - Capybara Cowboy

    A Border lifer who sort of has respect for Jin and Reiji, but not Konami. Everyone else he considers beneath him. He has a Side Effect that lets him talk to animals, but it only allows them to understand each other, and the animals don’t necessarily do what he says. He believes Raijinmaru is a dog.

    Raijinmaru - Tamakama's Dark Beast

    One of the Three Mascots of World Trigger, along with Replica and Mr. Kinuta. He’s Yotaro's companion but has no respect for him. The name Raijin-maru comes from Yotaro’s favorite TV hero's dog

    Shiori - Glasses for All

    Honorary president of the Border Glasses Association. Nice to everyone on principle, but secretly even nicer to people with glasses. Along with Kitora, she’s the female character i have the most fun drawing. It’s said her family runs a bookstore, and she has a little sister who's good at cooking.

    Konami - So Cute Yet So Gullible

    Her tenure is second only to Director Rindo’s. She believes anything she’s told, so everyone toys with her. The better friends she is with someone, the more willing she is to believe them. She believes in ghosts, E.S.P., aliens, and even Torimaru when he says Raijinmaru is a dog. But she’s very book smart. Not that it matters, but she’s Arashiyama’s cousin.

    Reiji - The Almighty Beefcake

    Skilled beefcake who's good at everything from sniping to making sandwiches. Believer in “muscles are for being used,” and at odds with believers of “muscles are for showing off.” He's all about muscles, but he doesn’t look down upon the physically weak. Instead, he believes in using his physical strength to help those who are less muscularly endowed.

    Torimaru - Gets By on His Good Looks

    One of the few characters officially recognized as good-looking within the story. He inherited his sullen look from his teacher Reiji, which makes him look even cooler. His family is poor, but I missed the timing to bring it up, so | may not be able to. The jacket he’s wearing is a hand-me-down from Jin.

    Volume 4 - Chapter 34

    Tachikawa - Two-Sword-Style Goatee Wielder

    He’s ranked number one at Border among those with crosshatch eyes. He's a tough cookie who's not embarrassed about wearing a black trench coat and carrying two swords despite being over 20. He lives for combat, and unlike Yoneya, also has a talent for command. But | don’t think he’s good at anything other than fighting. Barely taking enough classes to stay in college.

    Kazama - A-Rank 21-Year-Old

    He’s 5'2", but it seems like he shrinks every time | draw him. Pretty soon, he’s going to be indistinguishable from Yotaro and he'll be eating dinner at Tamakoma. He’s not concerned about his height, and he’s ready to fight using the cards he’s been dealt. His uniform is a pain to draw, and I die every time his squad is featured prominently.


    Natural-Born Special No. 1 Sniper

    The number-one sniper, he reads air currents by the sway of his pompadour. He’s not interested in easy targets. Although he skips training a lot, he’s overwhelmingly in first place solely by the merits of his combat record. By the way, Trigger bullets aren't affected by air currents.

    Izumi - 100 Hits out of 1,000 Shots

    Trigger-happy eye candy with flashy attacks. He had the difficult mission of being memorable without getting anything chopped off, but unfortunately Satori got in the way. He’s the laidback genius type, but since he sticks the points of his bangs into his eyes, maybe he's not that smart.

    Kikuchihara - Nick of Time

    He's A-Rank #3, and his suggestions aren't even half bad, but get your head chopped off one time and everyone thinks you're an idiot! Maybe he tells himself, “Jin targeted me first because he thought | was the biggest threat.” He's got some ego.

    Utagawa - This Is No Time to Blend In

    He's A-Rank #3, and his hair is pointy, but DON'T get your head chopped off one time and no one remembers you! His position is similar to Mitsuru’s in Arashiyama Squad. I hope his character develops slowly, instead of going for laughs and getting his head chopped off. Good luck.

    Volume 5 - Chapter 43

    Sato-ken - Didja See My Lightning Kowtow

    My plan was to make him one of Border’s foremost playboys, with Arashiyama Squad fangirls screaming for him, but he turned into the kowtowing comic relief. I'll state here that it was through no fault of Satori’s, but because girls were already screaming for Arashiyama. I wanted to avoid overlap.

    Midorikawa - A-Rank Jin Fan

    First mentioned in volume 2 (chapter 10). He was going to be one of World Trigger's rare jerk characters, but he matured during battle, and as if in orbit, circled back to dancing around Jin. A valuable younger character, the same age as Chika. Might be a juicy role.

    Azuma - Low-tension, Long-range, Long-hair

    Border's first Sniper, a dyed-in-the-wool, long-range, long-hair guy. He taught sniping to Reiji, Toma and Narasaka. He also has the smarts to use Satori as an icebreaker. He probably blames Satori for a lot of things too. And he still gets a lot of respect.

    Mr. Kinuta - Talented Tanuki

    He made a deal with the devil: he became an R&D genius in exchange for giving up human form. His cheeks get bigger with every chapter, engaging in a silent battle with gravity. The spell will be broken in the final chapter. Probably while seeing a vision of himself becoming handsome again and reuniting with his wife and daughter, he'll die at work.

    Izuho - Probably Stronger than Sato-ken in-a Fistfight

    She hates kids, but she’s the type that kids gravitate to. I imagined her as a B-Rank Sniper, but she got demoted to interact with Chika. Now she has more screen time. She's one of my favorite among the current bit players. She's easy to draw and easy to move, which is ideal for that type of character. | may have nothing but praise, but that’s okay once in a while, isn’t it?

    The New "Three Idiots" - Shimmering Youth

    Consummate expendable trio of Know-it-all, Vanity and Instant Kill (killed, not killer). They’re probably enjoying life at Border more than any other characters. They were insta-killed by Yuma, but otherwise they're promising new recruits, so they're actually more talented than Osamu. There may be some usurping in the future...

    Volume 6 - Chapter 52

    Mr. Shinoda - Warm-hearted Tiger

    HQ's top tiger. Mr. Kido gives him a hard time in every meeting. He increases his defense with such techniques as the “Tiger Arm-Folding” and the “Tiger Disapproving Look,” which make the fox and the tanuki break into a cold sweat. He’s so serious that people thought he'd be an anxious worrywart, but this volume shows how flexible and coolheaded he is in battle. The same age as Mr. Karasawa at 33.

    Miss Sawamura - Low Kick on First Appearance

    Enlisted at the same time as Azuma, now 25 years old. Used to have short hair, but since that was too similar to Chika and Kitora, her hair became long. Too bad. She loves Mr. Shinoda, but she’s a plucky woman who hides those feelings to carry out the mission. She's going to confess her love when this battle is over...

    Amo - “Lets put an empty lot here.”

    An artisan of the battlefield who dramatically arranges open spaces. The city abandoned after the Trion soldier attack was reborn by his hand into, oh my goodness, a wide-open field with nothing to obstruct the view. No matter how you look at it, he’s wrecking the city more than the Neighbors. My design concept for him was a stray dog.

    Suwa - Mr. Cube

    One of the regular polyhedrons, a solid surrounded on six sides by a square. Used to be human, but now composed of 12 edges and 8 points. Personality-wise, he's actually no square—he's a fun character who does what he wants. A male version of Izuho. He’s one of my favorite B-Rank agents. Really.

    Tsutsumi - Narrow-eyed buzzcut with a Shotgun

    The person who presumably said “Mikumo down" 25 times in volume 5. Quite the gambler, he believed in Osamu even after the 24th loss. He has a kind face, and his weapon is a close-range shotgun, but he’s wavering between using that and summoning Suwa from the cube to make him fight.

    Sasamori - Discouraged Avenger

    The rare appearance of a hot-blooded freckled. guy in World Trigger. The strategic lynchpin of Suwa Squad who pries open the enemy defense. He was beaten to the first cubing by Suwa, then he got chewed out by Kazama when he tried to avenge him. Poor thing. | like Suwa Squad a lot, so I hope he'll get a chance to shine soon...

    Volume 7 - Chapter 61

    Ranbanein - Jolly Jet-Gorilla

    A genuinely trigger-happy triple threat of smiles, muscles and firepower. It’s pretty fantastical to imagine guys like him flying all over Aftokrator. He was going to call Hyrein “brother,” but official opinion is split over whether he would've called him “Bro-bro,” “Brother dear” or “Brother mine.” “Best brother in the whole world” is a bit of a long shot. My design inspiration was a red ogre.

    Enedora - #1 Adorable Moe Character

    Along with the Rads and Mr. Kinuta, he’s one of the “Three World Trigger Moe Characters.” He's jiggling 24-7 thanks to his liquid Trigger; line up four Enedoras of the same color, and pop! They disappear. He was supposedly a nice kid before his horns were transplanted, but | doubt I'll ever get to draw that. My inspiration was the Hanya masks used in Noh theater.

    Murakami - Twin Blade Top S

    Barely 18, he’s a warrior who knows his position. He belongs to a minor branch and has a flaky captain, but he tries so hard that his forehead is all-out. Just like Reiji, Kazama and Kitora, people who are disciplined must want to expose their foreheads. I hope he interacts with Osamu and Yuma sometime.

    Kuruma - Bait Boy

    He's like a fawn who strayed from his herd—a target for everyone. He comes from a rich family and grew up super spoiled, but he’s a well-balanced person who's humble, not arrogant or selfish, and popular. He's never been angry in his life. His hair will soon become curly like the Buddha.

    Taichi - Swiss-Cheese Hat, Bottom Eyelashes

    The unlucky Sniper who got obliterated when he followed Azuma. He tends to be clumsy, causing catastrophic damage while trying to do good, making him the true bane. He fiddled with a tropical fish tank and boiled the fish, but even though Kuruma shed tears of blood, he forgave him, forever earning Taichi’s respect.

    Chano Squad - Two-Page Spread B-Rank

    Redshirts with a lot of ambition who used up a two-page spread as they were getting defeated. It's the classic story of getting into a crisis because of dual-wielding pistols. This squad can turn any battle into a defeat. Also, | looked at my character data chart, and it said, “Makoto Chano: a tomboy." I realized that I could get into trouble and pretended not to have seen it.

    Volume 8 - Chapter 70

    Hyuse - Magnetic Youth

    An elite fighter with the most modern Trigger, he was chosen at a young age for the away team so he should have been awesome. Unfortunately, he was matched against Jin and ended up looking like cannon fodder. He is from the most recent generation of horned fighters to be deployed, which in terms of stability and Trion augmentation is one of the best in history. But he has the terrible burden of only being able to sleep on his stomach. Live on!

    Viza - Building-Slashing Grandpa

    He wields a brutal Black Trigger with a wide-ranged, indiscriminate, insta-kill slashing attack. As an expert swordsman with loads of experience, he can influence an entire war from afar. He has the makings of a true hero. He is definitely one of the most powerful characters in World Trigger. He has probably brought down entire regimes by himself. He was definitely even more dangerous when he was younger. I'd really like to try drawing his past.

    Arafune - Hollywood Action Hero

    He is a show-off sniper, always featured in scenes of jumping off the top of buildings. He most likely picks rooftops just so he can jump off of them. He goes to a prep school and has good grades, which is rare for a B-Rank agent. Maybe the academic pressure is fueling the flashy action. His weaknesses are his inability to swim and his fear of dogs.

    Ayatsuji - The Epitome of a Model Student

    The one everyone looks up to, both in and out of Border. She has the looks and the smarts, but is disastrous at the arts. While she is a perfect being in every other way, legend has it that her atrocious singing amused Commander Kido and made Karasawa break out in a cold sweat. Additionally, she is the iron-fortress C-cup who is the student council vice president at her prep school.

    Kaho Mikami - Mika-Mika

    A competent Operator who, just like Kazama, is the embodiment of “small but effective.” As the eldest of four, she has been cultivated into a motherly figure with a caring personality and is thus especially popular with other women. Konami, Shiori, Ayatsuji, Kunichika and Sawamura all admire her. She is an A-cup who wishes that someone would take care of her sometimes.

    Kunichika - From Spelunker to FPS

    Border’s top gamer. Her days consist of eating, sleeping and gaming. Unlike the other two women, she goes to an average school and her grades are only so-so. But she’s a number one A-Rank agent! Both her and Tachikawa are proof that grades aren't everything. She is a E-cup who will strangle her opponent with tears in her eyes whenever she loses a match.

    Volume 9 - Chapter 79

    Hyrein - Mr. Discovery Channel

    A natural entertainer who let the doves(?) fly loose the minute he landed. He can control over fifty different species of animal bullets. His favorite ones are the frog and giant tortoise, but they never actually hit an opponent. His horns lie flat on his head, meaning they don’t go out sideways like Hyuse’s, so he can’t sleep on his back, but he can sleep on his side. Why didn’t | do that for Hyuse’s horns? My design inspiration for him was a dragon.

    Mira - Sadistic Wormhole Woman

    She's not someone you'd want as your enemy. Her wormholes and thorny smile terrify all of Aftokrator. Just saying, “The wormhole woman is coming,” will make even a whining child go silent with fear. She's annoyed about her reputation though. She is supposed to have a political marriage with either Hyrein or Ranbanein, and they're probably both terrified at the thought of it. My design inspiration for her was the devil.

    Tsukimi - Too Good for You

    She has been in the series since chapter two (voice only) and it took 70 weeks until her face was revealed. She's oblivious to cockroaches, but she hates all bugs so it doesn’t matter. Women who are too good for you tend to care only for the talented train-wreck guys. She set the record by improving both Tachikawa and Miwa’s performance by 20 percent through a Spartan training regimen. Too good for your standard C-cup.

    Captain Fuyushima - Winter T-shirt (Techie)

    Showed up only in name in chapter 25 but was smart enough to lie low and wait for 50 more chapters. With his long hair, weird inventions and squatting in combat zones—he was earning his intellectual points but ruined it all with an ugly T-shirt. He joined Border as an engineer, but was later scouted by an operator named Risa Maki. He's a 29-year-old who can’t say no to a high school girl.

    Mini Replicas - If You See One, There's Thirty

    Pipsqueaks that budded off from the rice cooker. They're very handy, easy to draw, and very knowledgeable about Neighbors. Such capable characters! Replica can create as many minis as his Trion reserves can support, making him a surprise key player in the Invasion arc. Yuma’s dad sure did build something super convenient. Amazing!

    Volume 10 - Chapter 88

    Volume 11 - Chapter 97

    Volume 12 - Chapter 106

    Volume 13 - Chapter 115

    Volume 14 - Chapter 124

    Volume 15 - Chapter 133

    Volume 16 - Chapter 142

    Volume 17 - Chapter 151

    Volume 18 - Chapter 160

    Volume 19 - Chapter 169

    Volume 20 - Chapter 178

    Volume 21 - Chapter 187

    Volume 22 - Chapter 196

    Volume 23 - Chapter 205

    Volume 24 - Chapter 213

    Volume 25 - Chapter 223

    Volume 26 - Chapter 231

    Suwa's team 7

    Suwa-san – Donburi on-site foreman
    Ui-chan – Serotonin gal
    Oki – Stress-Absorbent Male
    Ossamu – Cheese-Spammer Four-Eyes
    Katori – Ace spurred on by a carrot

    Attack: A+
    Defense: B
    Wits: B+
    Kindness: A+
    Creativity: S

    It might not look it, but Suwa emphasized overall balance with his draft picks. Oki and Operator Ui bring a necessary injection of kindness to the squad, which is great for neutralizing Katori's venom. Meanwhile, Ossamu has an established rep for outlandish schemes, and every time his glasses glind, Kodera somehow gets roped into the madness, Rokuro gets a new lease on life, or the whole exam is thrown into chaos. When Katori is sent to the graveyard, she can be revived by sacrificing a good-looking dude. This squad is clever about unleashing last-ditch options, so keep an eye on them to see how high they'll climb

    Wakamura's team 11

    Rokuro – Successor covered in flop sweat
    Mario – I ain't your mom
    Hanzaki – slow going, easy breezy
    Hisato – Central pillar in the shadows
    Hyuse – That's just common sense, for Canadians

    Attack: A
    Defense: A
    Wits: B-
    Kindness: B+
    Canada: S

    Since the noncommittal Captain Wakamura was chosen as a captain out the blue, he screws up just about everything. Despite Operator Hosoi's attempts to motivate him, his glasses never manage to glint with brilliance, and the squad's been struggling from the start. Wakamura, with his tendency to fall into a negative spiral, probably shouldn't have been paired with Hanzaki, who means well but tends to be on the less motivated side. Sasamori believes in the squad's potential, but will his best efforts ever be rewarded? Meanwhile, how does the taciturn Canadian feel about all this? I find myself hoping they manage a dramatic comeback from last place.

    Mizukami's team 9

    Mizucoming – Broccoli Confessional
    Kon-chan – Squad 9's conscience
    Arafune – Just here for a good time
    Kashio – real flexible, this guy
    Teruya – a fire-type gal.

    Attack: B+
    Defense: A
    Wits: S
    Kindness: B+
    Food: S

    Mizukami’s Squad 9 is so full of vim and vigor that the judges have been overheard saying, “It looks like Mizukami’s broccoli is bushier by the day.” Operator Kon's meals provide a morale boost, and from the cocksure look on Arafune’s face, you wouldn't even think this was an official test. It seemed like the captain's sneaky one-man show would come back to bite him on Day 4, but his big lie got exposed, and somehow the overall vibe among the squad actually improved (?). Did his gambler’s resolve lead to a lucky break? Keep an eye on the rapid growth of the two young'uns, who are too goody-goody for their own good.

    Volume 27 - Chapter 238

    Ninomiya's team 8

    Ninomiya – Socially inept teacher
    Kagami – “Going at her own pace” Artist
    Azuma-san – Old?
    Chika – Targeted Monster
    Yuzuru – A boy's assertion (voice of the heart)

    Offense: S
    Defense: A+
    Intelligence: B
    Kindness: B
    Trion: SS

    The n.8 squad has been having a blast with their overwhelming amount of Trion, but the stakes have risen and Chika's hair strand is getting tousled. There is a recurring loop of Ema thinking “You could've mentioned that earlier” towards captain Ninomiya and captain Ninomiya thinking “you, could have spoken up” towards Ema…… That energy was gathered and reused in the flashbacks of chapter 236. Please look forward to the next volume, where Kagami's artistic spirit will be on full display.

    Utagawa's team 1

    Utagawa – No weaknesses…?
    Sayoko – Overcoming her weaknesses
    Ultima – Believes that younger people are amateurs
    Yuma – Pro at being Japanese
    Kotaro – Tiger of potential

    Offense: A+
    Defense: B+
    Intelligence: B-
    Kindness: A
    Consideration: S

    Since the start of the test, team 1 has continued to maintain a good atmosphere thanks to captain Utagawa's thoughtful follow-up. Although Yuma and Kotaro are a bit slow with the general assignments, they are earning solid points from other tasks, placing them in a decent position for a team that possesses a Neighbor (compared to Canada). Will Sayoko ever be able to talk smoothly with the opposite gender? Can I find an opening to insert an Urushima episode? I'm begging you…… Yuma! The author is praying for you.

    Kodera's team 6

    Kodera – Strategic glasses
    Rokuta-senpai – Single-task specialist
    Okudera – 80 point everything
    Muller – Bag of kindness
    Kitora – Tiger of high motivation

    Offense: A-
    Defense: A+
    Intelligence: A+
    Kindness: B+
    Motivation: S

    Pulled by two highly motivated A rankers, team 6 is ready to take first place in the final round. Although the unit strategy is hard, the calculation seems to suggest that the sealed environment can be overcome by the kindness of Miura picking 6 per day. To make up for their lack of Trion, a lot of effort is put into captain Kodera's glasses, and Okudera's stable gives the impression that he is indeed a student of Azuma. It can be said that the main concern at the moment is how Operator Rokuta, who is not good at parallel processing, will fare in the combat phase.

    Squad Profile

    Arashiyama Squad - Chapter 6

    HQ Top Brass - Chapter 10

    Miwa Squad - Chapter 14

    Tamakoma First - Chapter 23

    Away Team - Chapter 24

    Kazama Squad - Chapter 27

    Tachikawa Squad - Chapter 29

    Azuma Squad - Chapter 45

    Suwa Squad - Chapter 46

    Chano Squad - Chapter 47

    Suzunari First (Kuruma Squad) - Chapter 49

    Arafune Squad - Chapter 54

    Kakizaki Squad - Chapter 55

    Fuyushima Squad - Chapter 73

    Kako Squad - Chapter 81

    HQ Top Brass part 1 - Chapter 84

    HQ Top Brass part 2 - Chapter 86

    Nasu Squad - Chapter 96

    Ninomiya Squad - Chapter 112

    Kageura Squad - Chapter 113

    Katori Squad - Chapter 139

    Ikoma Squad - Chapter 148

    Ōji Squad - Chapter 149

    Yuba Squad - Chapter 183

    Kusakabe Squad - Chapter 207

    Katagiri Squad - Chapter 208

    Urushima Squad - Chapter 209

    Character Portfolio

    Osamu Mikumo - Chapter 1

    The Portfolio includes his biography, along with the preliminary sketches used for the serialization meeting and The Author's Comments.

    Yūma Kuga - Chapter 2

    The Portfolio includes his biography (minus birthday and bloodtype), along with the preliminary sketches used for the serialization meeting and The Author's Comments.

    Ai Kitora - Chapter 8

    Yūichi Jin - Chapter 11
    Chika Amatori - Chapter 12

    Yōtarō Rindō - Chapter 19

    Enedora - Chapter 56

    Ranbanein - Chapter 60

    Viza - Chapter 65

    Hyuse - Chapter 67

    Mira - Chapter 72

    Hyrein - Chapter 78

    Wen Sō - Chapter 130

    Koskero - Chapter 131

    Gatlin - Chapter 134

    Ratarykov - Chapter 135

    Yomi - Chapter 136

    Reghindetz - Chapter 137

    Trigger Profiles

    Attacker Triggers - Chapter 26

    Gunner Triggers - Chapter 30

    Sniper Triggers - Chapter 33

    The Way They Were

    Part 1, Ai Kitora, Jun Arashiyama, and Mitsuru Tokieda - Chapter 17

    Part 2, Shūji Miwa, Tōru Narasaka, and Kei Tachikawa - Chapter 18

    Part 3: Nozomi Kako, Ken Satori, Futaba Kuroe - Chapter 85

    Part 4: Masato Kageura, Yuzuru Ema - Chapter 114

    The Lives of Bit Players

    Part 1: 3 Idiots, Mizunuma, and Moribayashi - Chapter 3

    Part 2: Ichinose, Futatsugi, Miyoshi, Yotsuya, Saho Arashiyama, and Fuku Arashiyama - Chapter 4

    Part 3: Izukacha, Vittano, and Raymond - Chapter 20

    Trion Soldier Profile

    Bamster, and Marmod - Chapter 5

    Ilgar, Rad, and Bander - Chapter 13

    Plain Rabbit - Chapter 58

    Modded Rabbit - Chapter 59

    Idra - Chapter 126

    Dog - Chapter 128

    Rejected Storyboard

    Part 1 - Chapter 22

    Part 2 - Chapter 28

    Part 3 - Chapter 50

    Part 4 - Chapter 88

    Mysterious Files

    Part 1 - Chapter 121

    Part 2 - Chapter 122

    Part 3 - Chapter 123

    Schools of Mikado City

    Part 1 - Chapter 176

    Part 2 - Chapter 177

    Part 3 - Chapter 185

    Part 4 - Chapter 186

    Part 5 - Chapter 193

    Bangaihens and 4-Komas

    Summer theme - Chapter 21

    Making Emblems/Good Luck Capt. Miwa - Chapter 31

    Jump Heroine - Chapter 32

    Culture Exchange - Chapter 38

    New Year's - Chapter 118

    Chapter 200 Bonus

    Mikado City Tour

    Kanoya, Jujuen - Chapter 142

    Burger Queen - Chapter 145

    Aji-jiman Ramen - Chapter 146

    Okonomiyaki Kageura - Chapter 194

    Taian Kichijitsu - Chapter 195

    Flower Shop Kaede - Chapter 202

    Saikōrō Chinese Restaurant - Chapter 203

    Squad Emblem commentary

    Part 1 - Chapter 180

    Part 2 - Chapter 192

    Part 3 - Chapter 201

    A taste of Border

    Part 1 - Chapter 219

    Part 2 - Chapter 220

    Part 3 - Chapter 221


    Yūma's seals - Chapter 15

    12 Zodiacs - Chapter 35

    See also: 12 Zodiacs

    The world of World Trigger has its own Zodiac system different from the real world. It is comprised of 12 different constellations, each representing a certain part of the year.

    • Falco - March 21 - April 19
    • Felis - April 20 - May 20
    • Lepus - May 21 - June 21
    • Gladius - June 22 - July 22
    • Aptenodytes - July 23 - August 22
    • Lupus - August 23 - September 22
    • Luna Falcata - September 23 - October 23
    • Chronos - October 24 - November 22
    • Cetacea - November 23 - December 21
    • Clavis - December 22 - January 19
    • Amphibious - January 20 - February 18
    • Apis - February 19 - March 20

    NICONICO Still Image MAD contest - Chapter 36

    Bonchi Fried Crackers x World Trigger Collab - Chapter 42

    NICONICO Contest Award Illustration - Chapter 71

    Kabuki Yūma - Chapter 83

    Chapter 89+

    Captain Survey - Chapter 205

    Day 1 Scores - Chapter 213

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