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    Revision as of 08:28, November 2, 2022 by Discoballdust (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{|class="white-borders-4"| !qz= !QnA |- |Paid |Do Border agents get paid?<br/>'''A:''' I might show it one day, but yes, agents do get paid. B-Rank agents get a fee per Trion Soldier they defeat. A-Rank agents have a salary + fee per Trion soldier. C-Rank trainees do not get paid. |- |Reject Border |Are there any requirements, like fitness tests, for applying to Border?<br/>'''A:''' There are basic fitness tests, basic achievement tests, and an interview. Ot...")
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    qz= QnA
    Paid Do Border agents get paid?
    A: I might show it one day, but yes, agents do get paid. B-Rank agents get a fee per Trion Soldier they defeat. A-Rank agents have a salary + fee per Trion soldier. C-Rank trainees do not get paid.
    Reject Border Are there any requirements, like fitness tests, for applying to Border?
    A: There are basic fitness tests, basic achievement tests, and an interview. Other than having low Trion levels or a criminal record, you won't get rejected (Osamu was nearly rejected).
    Trion Training Can the Trion Gland be strengthened with training?
    Does Trion get replenished with time or sleep?
    A: Just like lung capacity and muscle strength, it can be improved somewhat, and does recover with nutrition and rest.
    Young Border Why are all Border agents young?
    A: The biggest reason is that the younger you are, the more your Trion gland can grow. Agents over age 20 whose growth has stopped often go into administration (like Sawamura).
    BHS Do Border high schoolers go to the same school?
    A: For better coordination of agent schedules, they often go to the same school, but they don't have to.
    Pain Do Trion bodies feel pain from Trigger attacks?
    A: There is a pain sensation that tells you what part of your body got damaged. This can be turned completely off.
    Heal Trion Body Can you use Trion to heal damage?
    A: It is impossible to repair a Trion body. The Trion Body is basically disposable. Once destroyed, you need to create another one, which takes time and more Trion.
    Rapid Teleport Can you teleport in rapid succession?
    Distance = Trion consumed. Longer distances (over 30m) require a longer resting interval of several seconds. Short distances (2-3m) require 0.5 seconds or so.
    Sniper Rifle Do Sniper rifles only stay out in gun form, or can they be put away at will? Can one be carried around as a smaller version?
    A: Once guns are out, they stay out. If you "put it away", another gun's worth of Trion must be used to take it out again.
    Sniper Limit What distance is the limit for a sniper Trigger to hit its mark?
    A: If it’s an unmoving target, someone who is good at premise sniping like Narasaka or Hanzaki can hit the mark from 1km away with an Egret. An Ibis or Lightning’s range will be shorter.
    Away Team Does the Away Team try to avoid detection?
    A: They sneak in to get Trigger technology through trades or negotiations. If a country is in the middle of a war, they will fight off attackers and take their Triggers.
    Trion Body Uniform The Trion body wears a Border uniform when the Trigger is activated, but are the Trion bodies automatically made wearing a uniform?
    A: The clothing upon Trigger activation can be an outfit specifically chosen by the Agent or can just be the default outfit. You can register multiple outfits of your own choosing.
    Teleporter Goggles Why do so few agents choose to wield teleporter? Is there some downside to using it, like not being able to use one's Triggers within a certain range immediately after, or one's body freezing up? If not, that seems like an overpowered Trigger. Also, why didn't Arashiyama Squad wear goggles during the scramble for the Black Trigger? Concealing their lines of sight would've been a big advantage. Is it because that was their first time using Teleporter in a real battle? Or was it because they were purposely getting Toma to shoot? If there's no downside beside the line-of-sight thing, then I think Teleporter is way to powerful.
    A: Ah, you're a Teleporter diehard. Thank you for the question(s). Given Izumi's shock when Arashiyama used Teleporter in volume 4, it's safe-ish to assume that was his first time using it. Kako Squad–the first Teleporter users–had a reason for not wearing goggles (which could hide one's line of sight), but if Arashiyama had worn goggles after his first use of Teleporter revealed the trick, I bet that would've made him really strong. I also tend to think that Teleporter is ridiculously powerful, but there are downsides, and learning to use it properly takes a high level of skill. I'm hoping to elaborate on that with future battle scenes involving Kako Squad, so please be patient.
    Kogetsu On Can you not put away Kogetsu only while it's selected, or the whole time the Trigger is on?
    A: Once Kogetsu is selected, it is always out. It disappears in the art sometimes, but that's just me forgetting to draw it.
    Rebuild Trion Body After an agent returns to their normal body, do they have to rebuild the Trion body like they do after they bail out?
    A: When an Agent returns to their normal body on their own, their Trion body is "put away". They can decide to use the same Trion body next time, but the damage to the body won't be repaired.
    Rebuild Time Are there individual differences in the time it takes to rebuild a Trion body?
    A: The more Trion someone has (meaning more Trion is used in battle), the bigger the cost of reconstructing the combat body, so it takes longer. Chika takes a long time while Osamu can return to battle in a relatively short time (1-2 hours)
    Tsukimi and Tachikawa What is the relationship between Tsukimi and Tachikawa? (Tachikawa's birthday comes earlier so he's older, isn't he)?
    A: Tsukimi is Tachikawa's childhood friend and mentor when it comes to strategy. It goes Azuma, Tsukimi (and many other pupils) and then Tachikawa.
    Bail Out Duct What happens if you bail out inside Border HQ? Do you fly outside first and then fly back to HQ?
    A: Inside the HQ base there are ducts for Bail Out use, so you will return to your operation room through those. You don’t need to go outside.
    Trion Regen Do normal trion body users also not need to sleep but need to eat?
    A: Trion body users need rest just like usual. This is because the brain and nerves get fatigued, and because the trion gland does not recuperate while using a Trion Body.
    Other Branches Are there any branches besides Tamakoma and Suzunari?
    A: Border has 6 branches: Tamakoma, Suzunari, Wataayu (綿(わた)(あゆ) ?), Yumite District ((ゆみ)()(まち) ?), Hayanuma ((はや)(ぬま) ?), and Kuma (()() ?). Its personnel are mostly those who priorities work or school and don’t aim for A-Rank (they do not participate in the twice a week Rank Wars). The branches are placed on the outer edge of the Danger Zone. Other than Tamakoma, the branches function as a point of contact for local residents.
    Trion Body Repair When Yūma's wounds healed after he was struck by a car, does that mean that his Trion body repaired itself?
    A: Yes. Yūma's regular body is less durable than his combat body, but it has a repair function. A regular combat body wouldn't be damaged in a car crash.
    BT Shield Do Black Triggers not come with communication abilities or Shields?
    A: It’s different depending on the Black Trigger. For instance, Fūjin doesn’t seem to have Shield but looks like it has communication abilities (a receiver sometimes being there, sometimes not is Ashihara’s mistake). Yūma’s Black Trigger doesn’t have communication abilities but Replica was responsible for that role.
    Eyesight Is it important for Snipers to have good eyesight?
    A: Eyesight is perfected for the combat body, so it doesn't matter. People with glasses keep them because the glasses are tied to their identity.
    Nickname Of all the nicknames Ōji has given people, what are his top three?
    A: He doesn't think too hard about them. He just sort of comes up with them in a very Ōji-esque way. Two that have become popular are "Mikamika" and "Pokari," and the one that's spread the least is "Jackson" for Wakamura.
    Hound Kanji Up to the Large Scale Invasion Arc, Hound was written with the kanji for "Guided Bullet", but from rank wars it’s written with the kanji for "Tracking Bullet"; why is this?
    A: "Detection guidance" which chase trion responses is written "Guided Bullet", and "Visual Guidance" which locks on to the target with line of sight is written "Visual Guidance", but there are quite a few mistakes here and there so don’t worry about it.
    Chameleon Hound While Chameleon is in use, can Hound bullets track you? And do you show up on Radar?
    A: Hound bullets that use ‘Sensor Guidance’ can, but usually they are intercepted by walls and so on. Even during Stealth Mode, you still show up on Radar, so it’s possible to use that to make a rough counter-attack.
    Izumi Tomahawk Izumi synthesized a Tomahawk by combining Viper and Meteor. Can he do that because he's a genius or could Osamu do it too with practice?
    A: It's possible to do it with practice, but it would take some time. If Osamu tried to shoot a Tomahawk now, it would take him a whole minute to prepare. It only takes Izumi two seconds.
    Trigger On If one didn't say "Trigger On", would they still be able to transform?
    A: As long as you are touching the trigger holder, and make your activation intent clear, you can say nothing or say something else. You can swap bodies even if you use an original transformation call.
    Clothes Can the things on a trion body like the clothes you’re wearing or shoes be taken off?
    A: You can set it to can be taken off or can’t be. The composition can be simpler if set to can’t be taken off, so that can save trion cost. Border’s on-duty combat bodies are generally made so you can only take off the outerwear.
    Holder When one uses their Trion body, where does their original body go?
    A: It is swapped in the Trigger Holder space, where the Trion body usually is.
    Starmaker How is Starmaker used during normal defense duty or in Rank Wars?
    A: Mostly as a countermeasure for stealth. Even a graze will let you mark that section, and as long as it’s not cut off then you can make Chameleon or Bagworm temporarily rendered useless. Its weaknesses are that it’s an all-purpose optional trigger so it can’t be used with Full Attack, and usually you defeat the enemy before they even get marked.
    Miwa LB In Volume 2, before he used Lead Bullet, Miwa loaded a Trigger into the handgun, do Triggers in the shape of other guns have that kind of feature too?
    A: Miwa’s Lead Bullet is customized. By loading an external magazine that was created beforehand, Lead Bullet can be used as a "handgun’s exclusive option" (so you can use a Lead Bullet handgun in the left hand and another Trigger in the right hand). The demerit is that the cost of a magazine is high, and the number of bullets are limited. Other gun Triggers can also use it if they are customized.
    Shotgun Tell us more about the gun Trigger Suwa was using in chapter 45.
    A: It's a shotgun that blasts a bunch of largish bullets. You can adjust the angle of the blast to some extent. Pro: high firepower. Con: slow reload.
    LB Weight How heavy is one of Miwa's lead bullets?
    A: About 100kg (220lb). Yuma's Anchor is about twice that.
    Jin Scorpion It’s said that Jin made Scorpion, but are there any conditions for an agent to take part in Trigger development?
    A: Kako talked a little about it in Volume 14; when you become A-rank agent, you can make requests with Engineers to customise your Trigger. Developing new Triggers is just an extension of that.
    Gun type Triggers During the battle versus Ranbanein, Okudera used Full Guard; does that mean you can use other Triggers if you just put Kogetsu in a sheath without deactivating it?
    A: Even without putting it in a sheath you can turn the Kogetsu off, but the sharpness will become zero. You won’t be able to use it and you can’t deactivate it either, so it’s a big hindrance. Deactivating the Kogetsu and then remaking one later when you need it again will mean it’s not a hindrance, but it will use up trion. It is the same with gun-type Triggers.
    Escudo LB Can Escudo defend from Lead Bullets?
    A: Escudo converts Trion into a material form, so it can. It is treated the same as blocking Lead Bullets with walls or buildings.
    Yūma SE Can Yuma's side effect help him detect lies in writing too? Like in books or text messages? Will Yuma's side effect pick up on lies that the speaker doesn't even realize are lies? How does Yuma's side effect tell him when something is a lie? (Does he hear the person speaking in slow motion, or does he get prickling tingles like Kage?)
    A: When a person is lying, Yuma's side effect makes it look like black smoke is pouring out of their mouth. The subtle changes in the liar's voice transform into a visual cue that helps Yuma see through the lie. So no, I don't think his side effect would work if the person didn't know they were lying or if he were reading the lie in a text.
    Defense Difference What is the difference between Shield, Shield Mode Raygust, and Escudo?
    A: Shield: Can change shape. Durability changes according to the size of the surface area. Moving it lowers the durability.
    Raygust: Can change shape. Durability changes a little according to the size of the surface area. Even if you wave it around in your hand the durability will not change.
    Escudo: Cannot change shape. Cannot be moved. High durability. Needs a place (such as a wall or floor) to grow out of.
    Shield Distance How far can an agent deploy a remote shield like the ones used in the battle with Ranbanein?
    A: It depends on individual ability, but they should be able to deploy a Shield up to 25 meters away. This remote defense is one of the reasons that Shield is superior to Raygust's Shield Mode.
    Konami Rank Wars Konami is the no. 3 Attacker, does this mean she shows up in the solo rank wars? And in that case what Triggers does she use?
    A: Studying came first for Konami up until the end of her middle school years so she didn’t do any solo rank wars then, and only participated in the period from her middle school graduation and part way through her first year of high school. Back then, in that period, Jin had become a Black Trigger user and Tachikawa had kind of lost his motivation, so Konami sharpened her blades against those like Kazama to reach all the way to Attacker rank no. 1. After that, along with Tamakoma’s separation, she took a step back from rank wars, but her solo points have only been surpassed by Tachikawa and Kazama so she’s still Attacker no. 3. Her Triggers at the time were dual-wielded Kogetsu (fairly short).
    Licenses Is there any one of 18 and above who has a driver’s license for a car or a bike?
    A: Aside from Reiji who has already driven in the story, it seems Fuyushima, Azuma, Suwa, Tsutsumi, Kako, and Kakizaki have normal driver’s licenses. The top brass and Sawamura have licenses too. Tachikawa doesn’t as you might expect. Zoe has a motorbike license, and Kage and Tōma have motorized bicycle licenses. It seems Arafune and Hokari want motorbike licenses too.
    LB Meteor What happens when you combine Meteor and Lead Bullet?
    A: I think it would put a thin layer of weight on the surface that was exposed to the blast. It seems to fall off if you move.
    Top3 I would like to know the rankings of the Gunners and Shooters like we do with the Attackers and Snipers.
    A: From what I remember, The top 3 Shooters, from the top, are Ninomiya, Izumi, and Kako. Top 3 Gunners are Kazuma, Yuba, and Katagiri Top 3 All-Rounders are Reiji, Arashiyama, and Miwa.
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