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    Hound Users
    Kōhei Izumi
    Exploiting Hound's ability to home in on the target, Izumi can use it for pincer attacks with another Gunner Trigger, performing an inescapable multi-directional attack or striking from the target's blind spot. He was able to shoot down all the Alektor bullets that Hyrein aimed at him, a superhuman feat[1] that earned him his opponent's praise.
    Kazuma Satomi
    Nozomi Kako
    Kako's Hound is customized. Instead of forming cubes they become spherical-looking implicit surfaces, acting more like a liquid than a fixed surface area shape. She has proven to be very skilled with it, shooting at such an angle that the bullets, homing towards multiple targets, would go around their shields, hitting their bodies.[2] During the Galopoula blitz, she temporarily equipped a second chip.[3] Kako is first seen using her customized Hound in Chapter 127.
    Reiji Kizaki
    As a Perfect All-Rounder[4][5], and the No. 1 All-Rounder[6], Reiji has potentially scored at least 6,000 points with Hound[7] Reiji uses Hound without entering the enemy's field of vision[8]: after interposing a tall obstacle between himself and the opponent[8], he shoots Hound upwards, selecting the enemy's likely position as the target.[8] This way, he can attack protected and unseen.[9] If the opponent is quick enough to evade or dodge the first volley[10], Reiji has already shot a second from another angle.[10] He can also anticipate how the enemy will move, shooting along their path instead of at a single spot[11], and can lay a trap along the path.[12] Reiji first uses Hound in Chapter 62 (Episode 28 in the anime).
    Masataka Ninomiya
    At mid-range, Ninomiya uses the chasing bullets to pull the opponent closer and finish them off with a sudden volley of Asteroid.[13] However, he can use a long-ranged, continuous Full Attack Hound to bombard a large area from afar, wearing down the defenses of any opponent within range and gradually destroying their trion body.[14]
    Sumiharu Inukai
    Sumiharu Inukai is notable for using Hound as both a Gunner and a Shooter.[15]

    As a combatant who is 1,000 points away from reaching Master Class with Hound[16], Inukai is proficient with Hound. Exploiting ability to home in on the target, Inukai can use it for pincer attacks with another Gunner Trigger.[17] Inukai is first seen using Hound in Chapter 192 (Episode 98 in the anime).

    Chika Amatori
    Chika added Hound to her Trigger set in order to dissuade her enemies from engaging in close or mid-ranged combat with her. Due to her fear of hurting others, she combines it with Lead Bullet, which nonetheless is an effective tactic to neutralize the opponents who target her. Should she be unable to activate both Triggers, she can strike the ground between herself and the foe to raise a smokescreen and retreat.[18] She generally divides her giant trion cube in 64[19] or 125[20] parts.
    Satoshi Mizukami
    As a member of a top tier unit, Mizukami is quite efficient in using Hound. He can use it against multiple opponents at the same time, or fire it at an angle so as to support Ikoma as he locks the opponent in close quarters combat. Hound appears to be the Trigger which Mizukami employs with the most frequency when fighting alongside his teammates, possibly because its homing function makes it an excellent tool with which to control the target's position[21][22] and allows him to support the Attackers in his Squad from a greater number of angles. In fact, Mizukami demonstrates enough skill with it to have the bullets curve around his teammate and force the opponent to deploy their Shield even when the two are locked in close-quarters combat.[23][24] He can angle the bullets so they will converge on the target from two directions, making them difficult to block with only one Shield.[25] Disguising Hound as another bullet can lull the target into a false sense of security after they move away from a flight path that is assumed to be straight, raising the odds of a successful hit when the bullets curve unexpectedly.[21] Mizukami is first seen using Hound in Chapter 154.
    Kazuaki Ōji
    Despite not being an All-Rounder, Ōji is highly proficient in using Hound. In fact, everyone in his unit uses it, which makes them very dangerous in group fights in open areas.[26] He is able to scatter the bullets in a circle around himself[27]and to fire them at two targets simultaneously.[28] He is also capable of planting bullets in a hidden location and delay their activation,[29] a tactic that injured Yūma's leg and nearly defeated him.[30] With his great skills as an Attacker, Ōji can also use this Trigger while locked in close quarters combat with a weaker opponent.[31] He is first seen using this Trigger in Chapter 154.
    Kazuki Kurauchi
    As the only Shooter in a top B-Rank unit feared for its usage of Hound, Kurauchi must be quite proficient with this Trigger. It makes him dangerous in open areas when he fights alongside his teammates.[26] He can fuse it with Meteor to create Salamander.[32] He first used it in Chapter 153.
    Yutaka Kashio
    Hound gives Kashio a mid-ranged option[33] and makes him especially dangerous when he fights alongside his teammates in an open area.[26] He is capable of using it to attack an opponent from two different angles at the same time, making guarding against it with only one Shield very difficult at close range.[33][34] Kashio is first seen using Hound in Chapter 153 (Episode 83 in the Anime).
    Yukari Obishima
    Not much is known about her skill level with Hound as her singular usage was an attempt to encase Yūma in a volley while inside Osamu's Wire Zone. Additionally she only recently picked up Shooter Triggers[35], however being an All-Rounder[36][37], it is possible for her to have at least 6,000 points with this trigger. She is first seen using this trigger in Chapter 191 (Episode 98 in the anime).
    Tatsuya Kuruma
    Kuruma can set his primary bullet type to Hound by flipping a switch on his assault rifle. He is adept at using it outside the enemy's field of vision, making the bullets travel out of sight to score a surprise hit on the target. With this technique, he was able to injure the powerful Rei Nasu enough to make her Bail Out shortly afterwards.[38]
    Rokurō Wakamura
    Fumika Teruya
    Teruya can use Hound to continuously assault opponents too fast to be hit otherwise. Her firearm grants her a high rate of fire.[39] By waving her rifle in a spiral, she can perform an enveloping attack that comes down on the target from all sides almost at the same time, bypassing a frontal Shield.[40] However, it is not as effective indoors.[41]
    Kotarō Tomoe
    Tomoe fights using a handgun loaded with Hound bullets. Since it can be wielded with one hand, Tomoe can fire it while in melee by activating an Attacker Trigger.[42] Exploiting its homing bullets, Tomoe can also fire it at an opponent to force them to defend themselves, limiting their movements to subsequently attack them with another Trigger.[43]
    Satoru Hayakawa
    Ryōgo Funabashi
    Seiji Marui
    Makoto Chano
    Itsuki Fujisawa
    Waka Utsunomiya
    Keizō Mamiya
    Mitsuya Koinuma
    Minoru Hata
    Temporary/Former Users
    Osamu Mikumo
    Osamu equipped Hound ahead of round eight of the latest season of rank wars specifically to take Ninomiya by surprise.[44] For the deception to be effective, he disabled the homing function for all the shots he fired before that decisive moment.[45][46] Since his low trion reserves prevented him from adding an extra Trigger[47], this gimmick lured his targets into believing that he had never removed Asteroid.[45] Osamu was first seen using Hound in Chapter 192 (Episode 98 in the anime).

    However it should be noted that Osamu might of kept Hound as we haven't seen him in another fight since Round 8.

    Yōko Katori
    Katori is capable of unleashing a barrage of homing bullets while rapidly switching targets. In the match against Tamakoma Second she was able to target Yūma and Osamu[48] while surreptitiously cutting down the latter's hardly visible wires.[49] Presumably she removed this trigger to make room for Spider. Katori is first seen using Hound in Chapter 145 (Episode 80 in the anime).
    Teruteru Kōda
    Kōda's Trigger of choice is Hound. He is quite skilled with it, terminating the combat simulation in under a minute, which is considered an excellent result.[50] He first uses it in chapter 49 (episode 24 in the anime).

    Rooster Battle Formation: Vidofnir (酉の陣(とりのじん) 輝く鳥(ヴィゾフニル), Tori no Jin: Vizofuniru ?): After striking a pose reminiscent of a bird, the members of Kōda Squad attack the same target simultaneously, Hinoe with Kogetsu, Kōda and Saotome with Hound.

    Fumifumi Saotome
    Saotome's Trigger of choice is Hound. He first uses it in chapter 49 (episode 24 in the anime).

    Rooster Battle Formation: Vidofnir (酉の陣(とりのじん) 輝く鳥(ヴィゾフニル), Tori no Jin: Vizofuniru ?): After striking a pose reminiscent of a bird, the members of Kōda Squad attack the same target simultaneously, Hinoe with Kogetsu, Kōda and Saotome with Hound.

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 41)
    2. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 15 Chapter 127 (p. 4) and Episode 75.
    3. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: Kako-san doesn’t have a Gunner trigger on her main trigger side, so why is she a Shooter?
      A: This comes from BBF. Thank you for reading. The positions are based on the equipped trigger with the most solo points (except All-rounders). Kako-san’s Hound (custom) that she equips in her sub has the highest solo points, and the Scorpion she equips in her main hasn’t reached 6,000 points yet, so she’s a Shooter. It looks like she wants to increase her Scorpion to over 6,000 points and become an All-rounder. In the Galopoula battle, it seems she equipped Hound (custom) in her main too in preparation for a firefight.
      Source: Question Corner 14, Volume 20
    4. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 90)
    5. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 11 Chapter 95 (p. 4) and Episode 43.
    6. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: I would like to know the rankings of the Gunners and Shooters like we do with the Attackers and Snipers.
      A: From what I remember, The top 3 Shooters, from the top, are Ninomiya, Izumi, and Kako. Top 3 Gunners are Kazuma, Yuba, and Katagiri Top 3 All-Rounders are Reiji, Arashiyama, and Miwa.
      Source: Volume 25, Question Corner 22
    7. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: How is an All-Rounder defined?
      A: An All-Rounder is ‘an agent who has earned more than 6,000 solo points in both Attacker and Gunner Triggers respectively’. Right now Border’s overall level is on the rise and there are those who say it should be raised to above 8,000.
      Source: Volume 18, Question Corner 11
    8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 62 (p. 5) and Episode 28.
    9. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 62 (p. 60) and Episode 28.
    10. 10.0 10.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 62 (p. 5-6) and Episode 28.
    11. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 62 (p. 7) and Episode 28.
    12. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 8 Chapter 62 (p. 7-8) and Episode 28.
    13. World Trigger MangaChapter 115 (p. 4)
    14. World Trigger MangaChapter 115 (p. 3)
    15. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 106)
    16. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 13 Chapter 112 (p. 1) and Episode 68.
    17. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 192 (p. 12) and Episode 98.
    18. World Trigger MangaChapter 156 (p. 12-13)
    19. World Trigger MangaChapter 156 (p. 11)
    20. World Trigger MangaChapter 145 (p. 6)
    21. 21.0 21.1 World Trigger MangaChapter 154 (p. 7-8)
    22. World Trigger MangaChapter 188 (p. 12)
    23. World Trigger MangaChapter 155 (p. 3)
    24. World Trigger MangaChapter 187 (p. 4)
    25. World Trigger MangaChapter 157 (p. 5)
    26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 17 Chapter 150 (p. 16) and Episode 82.
    27. World Trigger MangaChapter 155 (p. 18)
    28. World Trigger MangaChapter 156 (p. 2)
    29. World Trigger MangaChapter 158 (p. 1)
    30. World Trigger MangaChapter 158 (p. 2)
    31. World Trigger MangaChapter 156 (p. 4)
    32. World Trigger MangaChapter 153 (p. 6)
    33. 33.0 33.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 153 (p. 8) and Episode 83.
    34. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 18 Chapter 155 (p. 13) and Episode 84.
    35. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 21 Chapter 182 (p. 8) and Episode 95.
    36. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 21 Chapter 181 (p. 3) and Episode 94.
    37. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 119)
    38. World Trigger MangaChapter 102 (p. 11).
    39. World Trigger MangaChapter 141 (p. 3)
    40. World Trigger MangaChapter 145 (p. 9-10)
    41. World Trigger MangaChapter 145 (p. 11)
    42. World Trigger MangaChapter 139 (p. 6)
    43. World Trigger MangaChapter 141 (p. 6)
    44. World Trigger Manga Vol. 22 Chapter 196 (p. 4).
    45. 45.0 45.1 World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 22 Chapter 195 (p. 14) and Episode 99.
    46. World Trigger Manga Vol. 22 Chapter 196 (p. 14).
    47. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 19 Chapter 164 (p. 15) and Episode 87.
    48. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 17 Chapter 145 (p. 4) and Episode 80.
    49. World Trigger Manga and Anime Vol. 17 Chapter 145 (p. 18) and Episode 80.
    50. World Trigger MangaChapter 33 (p. 14)
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