I'm DinoTaur.
I read the first chapter of World Trigger in July 2013 and got hooked on it, thus I came here.
I might as well tell you some trivial info 'bout myself.
- My favourite color is blue.
- My favourite animal is a giraffe.
- Some of my favourite shōnen series (not in any order):
- I have a decent knowledge on Japanese.
- My favourite character in this series is Masato Kageura.
- My personality type is INTP.
Find me on MyAnimeList.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns, or would just like to say hey, please leave it in my talk page.
An update
As some of you may have noticed, I have not been on this wiki as regularly as I used to. There are two reasons for this: firstly, I have obligations in real life to which I must attend; secondly, as ironic as it is, I have been losing interest in the World Trigger series. No, this does not mean I have abandoned it, but my interests have changed (as interests do). I will still be around if you want to contact me, but I just wanted to let people know.