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    Gatlin was put by Amō in the same class of power as Shinoda,[1] HQ's most powerful man with a Normal Trigger. Indeed, he was able to fight on equal ground with Kei Tachikawa, Kirie Konami and Kō Murakami, three of Border's top four Attackers, at the same time.[2][3] The only injuries he suffered where caused by Sōya Kazama's sneak attack, which he dodged to some degree,[4] and the one that decreed his defeat, although his opponents had taken advantage of Jin's foresight. He managed to analyze the fighting style and strategies of Border agents in the middle of the fight.[5] He also seems to be a capable captain, as his underlings obey his every order without question.

    Triggers[edit | edit source]

    Gatlin's Triggers
    Type Normal Vasilissa
    Gatlin is highly skilled in the use of Vasilissa, fending off the attacks of three of Border's top Attackers at the same time while also managing to strike back. The primary means of offense of this Trigger are the sharp blades at the end of each of the four arms. The arms are very durable and their reach is longer than that of most melee Triggers. He can also use them to maneuver on vertical surfaces. Should a blade be cut off, it can be replaced by a flat shield.
    Type Normal Cannon
    A Trigger that, when inserted in the stump of an arm, creates a powerful firearm capable of shooting a devastating beam with the power to pierce a reinforced trion wall and destroy anything behind it.[6] However, it can be stopped by the combination of a Raygust in Shield Mode and a highly concentrated Shield, both at an angle to disperse some of its power. In return for its destructive force, the cannon takes a few minutes to recharge after the first shot,[7] and has a strong kickback, which Gatlin counters by planting Vasilissa's arms firmly into the ground.[8]
    Type Normal Katoptron[9]
    A Trigger that enables the user to mimic the appearance of another person[10] or of a Trion soldier.[11] It might be an ability of Servitora, rather than a trigger itself.
    Type Normal Summon
    When planted into a solid surface, this Trigger opens up a small portal through which a Dog comes out.[4] In general, a Galopoula soldier carries many of them.[12][4] By using a mortar, Koskero can fire several dozens of these Triggers at once, gaining also a remarkable increase in range.[13]
    Type Normal Shield
    Similar to in appearance and function to Border's Shield, this Trigger allows the user to create a floating barrier in any position withn a certain radius from themselves. It was only seen projected in pentagonal form and seemingly in no more than two different sizes. It is durable enough to resist even the slashes of Fūjin, a Black Trigger.[14] It does not consume any tokens.

    Parameters[edit | edit source]

    Special Tactics
    Border Briefing File Page 243[15] 10 13 9 6 10 5 9 4 66

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. World Trigger MangaChapter 125 (p. 10)
    2. World Trigger MangaChapter 132 (p. 6)
    3. World Trigger MangaChapter 132 (p. 13)
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 World Trigger MangaChapter 127 (p. 13)
    5. World Trigger MangaChapter 132 (p. 15)
    6. World Trigger MangaChapter 128 (p. 3)
    7. World Trigger MangaChapter 128 (p. 14)
    8. World Trigger MangaChapter 134 (p. 6)
    9. Daisuke Ashihara: Q: When Gatlin, Rata and Wen Sō were disguised as Idras was it thanks to Servitora (Straw soldiers)? Is Servitora a different trigger as it seems to set up somewhere else?
      A: It's a trigger called Katoptron (被り物(カトプトロン), Katoputoron Lit. Headdress ?) that reads the shape of nearby objects or people and transforms your and your allies' Trion Bodies into that shape.
      Source: Volume 27 - Question Corner 25
    10. World Trigger MangaChapter 126 (p. 13)
    11. World Trigger MangaChapter 124 (p. 19)
    12. World Trigger MangaChapter 125 (p. 16)
    13. World Trigger MangaChapter 124 (p. 14)
    14. World Trigger MangaChapter 125 (p. 7)
    15. World Trigger MangaBorder Briefing File (p. 243)
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